

2023-09-25    02'51''

主播: 朝阳旭日

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《你的声音》 作者:碑林路人  诵读:朝阳旭日 ​喜欢你, 是因为喜欢你的声音, 思念你的声音, 才思念陌生的你。 没有语言可以形容我第一次 听见你声音时的感动, 没有文字可以表述 你的声音传入我耳膜时 带给我内心深处的那种温情。 * Loving you is because of loving your voice; Missing your voice reminds me of distant you. The moment when I was moved by your voice for the first time is beyond any languages, And no words can describe the warm feeling at the bottom of my heart when your voice got into my ears. * 喜欢在静静地夜里 倾听你的声音, 喜欢漂浮在你的声音里, 任思绪长上翅膀随意飞扬。 当如歌的音乐 在空中响起的时候, 你的声音就像潮水般 一波波推动着我温暖的心房, 我柔柔的心在你的声音里沉醉, 我痴痴的幻想, 那像甘泉般流动的声音后面 是怎样一张英俊的面容。 * I love to hear your voice on quiet nights; I love to get immersed in your voice to release my imagination. When the melodious music sounds in the air, Your voice like the continuous waves rushes to my heart, And then my heart gets tantalized in your voice. Totally obsessed, I keep on wondering: What a handsome face behind the voice gurgling like a spring! * 天很蓝, 像是你的声音 为我营造的这片纯净; 风很轻柔, 像是你的声音 疏解着我心头的郁闷; 没有什么 是可以像音乐和声音一样 更能够让心与心在瞬间相融的了, 你说过声音是一种有感情的文字, 你知道吗? 你的声音在每一个寂寞的夜晚 传递给我的, 就是那种无法触摸 却可以真实感觉到的温柔与幸福。 * So blue is the sky, it seems that the purity is especially created for me by your voice. So gentle is the wind, it seems that your voice is relieving my worries. Nothing is more powerful than music and sound that can melt our two hearts in an instant. You told me that the voice is a kind of words having emotions. But have you ever known that the untouchable yet real tenderness and happiness conveyed by your voice on every lonely night? *