university life

university life

2014-09-18    01'09''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

2669 184

It is universally true that enrollment and graduation tend to be the most unforgettable moments for college graduates. As university life starts, students come to a new phase of life with so many unknown experiences waiting for them. As university life unfolds itself gradually, students embark on a journey of seeking their own identity and learning how to be independent. When the graduation day finally comes, they are supposed to step into a brand new world outside with confidence. Do you want to be a star on the special day? Learn perfect English here, and you are bound to make it! 入学与毕业通常是大学生活中最为难忘的两个时刻。当大学生活揭开帷幕,学生们便开始了人生的一个新阶段,无数未知的经历等着他们去品味和体会。随着大学生活的逐步展开,学生们踏上了自我探索,学习独立的旅程。而当毕业如期而至,他们又要充满信心地进入一个崭新的世界。你想在入学和毕业这两个特殊的日子里成为明星吗?把这里的精彩英语化为己有,你一定能成功!
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