soul surfer 电影模仿大赛资料一

soul surfer 电影模仿大赛资料一

2014-09-28    00'30''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

5187 169

电影 Soul Surfer 片段模仿 BETHANY: I was born to surf. This⌒is why I wake⌒up at the crack of⌒dawn every day. This⌒is why I endure belly rashes, reef cuts, muscles so tired they feel like noodles. And I've learned that life is a lot like surfing. When you get caught in the impact zone, you need to get right back⌒up because you never know what's⌒over the next wave. And if you have faith, anything is possible. Anything at⌒all. 我生来为了冲浪。这是我每天清晨醒来的原因,这就是我忍受腹部皮疹,礁石划伤,胳膊酸痛要命的原因,我认识到生活很像冲浪,当你被困在冲击区,你要立即爬起来 因为说不定下一个浪就是绝好的机会。只要你有信心,一切皆有可能,一切如此。