Education on children

Education on children

2015-04-13    01'59''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

7249 259

Education on children When a child was born, we do everything we can to protect them, nurture them, love them. A child’s heart and mind are fragile. As they grow, we want to teach them everything we know. We send them to school to fill their minds with wonderful knowledge, to give them the tools they need for life. At school, they got to taste what things are like in the world outside. There is friendship, romance, disappointment, embarrassment, discrimination, and bullying. But are the tools we give them enough to prepare them for this world? We have an enormous responsibility and an amazing opportunity. If we truly want to prepare them for the world outside, we must also educate the heart. Because, to navigate the world outside with compassion, acceptance and tolerance, we need to teach them compassion, acceptance and tolerance. This can begin in our schools and it can start today. It can happen at hockey practice, dance class, day camps and music lessons and it’s already happening around the world with its astonishing results. If we want our children to grow into socially and emotionally capable young people, we must ask for a balanced education and put some importance on educating both the mind and the heart.