

2015-04-30    01'44''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

1641 187

Speech at Graduation Ceremony Principal Johnson, Honored teachers, Parents, Fellow students, Ladies and Gentlemen: As representative of the graduating class of 2004, I wish to express heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful education that we have received at this school. For the past four years, we have been guided every step of the way, with painstaking care and patience. As I stand here now on this glorious commencement day, I realize more than ever before what a great burden we must have been to our teachers, to our principal, and to our parents. The only thing that we can say is “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” The only thing that we can give them is our sincerest pledge that we shall make every effort to prove worthy of their great devotion and sacrifice. We can only pay you back by making ourselves useful to society. I know I speak for the entire graduating class when I say that we will make you proud. Thank you for listening. 译文 约翰逊校长,敬爱的老师们、家长们、同学们、女士们、先生们: 我谨代表2004届毕业生,衷心感谢母校给予我们的良好教育。在过去四年中,我们在老师和父母们的悉心关怀和谆谆教诲下走过了每一步。今天是我们毕业的隆重日子,站在这里,我越发深切地感受到我们曾经给老师、校长和父母带去多么沉重的负担。我们所能做的是从心底说声“谢谢!”并向他们保证,我们绝不会辜负他们的劳动和期望,我们会尽一切努力使自己成为对社会有用的人。我知道,当我说我们一定会让你们为我们感到骄傲时,我是代表整个毕业班的同学所说的。谢谢各位!
上一期: 付出会有回报
下一期: listen to your heart