Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

2015-05-08    02'42''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

29826 341

The best gift for Mother’s Day Hi, mom. Happy Mother’s Day. I want to let you know how much I love you and I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me in my life. The distance between us isn’t always easy; it’s actually pretty hard sometimes. I still remember last time we saw each other. It is almost two years ago. I was passing through Santiago [,sænti:&`&eiɡəu] on my way out to Japan. And you drove two hours, just sit down and have coffee with me for 45 minutes. We’re just discussing what’s going on in our lives before I had to get on my flight and continue on. I miss you. It’s been hard. Growing up, we just the two of us. You had all the responsibility of raising a young boy into a man you can be proud of. You gave me so much. I didn’t know how much you sacrificed until I was an adult. At college, I learned it. You had a dream of becoming a professional athlete and you got pregnant with me, and you had to choose. You knew you couldn’t do both and you gave it up to raise me, to raise me the best way that you knew how. And you still give me that sacrifice and that dedication, and you gave me everything you had. I realize how hard it was. And thank you very much. The discipline, the love, the support, the understanding that you gave me. I think of all the things you did for me. I look at my children. If I can just do half of what you did, they would be so much better off. You were a guiding light for me and I’ve taken everything that you’ve given me and I’ve run with it. Because of you, I stand here today. A father, a husband, a navy commander, and because of you, you show me how to work, and not quit and have honor, have integrity. I have achieved all these things because of the foundation that you laid, the example that you led. You always said that “The reward for hard work well done is the opportunity to do more.” Well, you are right. I’ve done well in navy. I got more hard work ahead of me and I think it is gonna be even harder to see each other and that’s why I wanna make this Mother’s Day so truly special. Above all, mom, I hope when you look at me, you see the good man that you want your little boy to be. I am proud to call you my mother. I am proud to be your son. You made me the man that I am today. I love you with all my heart. (文章是tom本人听出来的,个别地方有点出入)