

2015-05-14    01'56''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

1156 174

Here are the habits of top students that you can use as tips to do better in school: 下面是优等生的几个习惯。如果你想提高成绩,可以采纳相应的建议。 1. They make the best out of lecture. 他们能从授课中得到最多知识 Yes, your professor sucks. Yes, lectures are boring. Yes, it’s either too fast so you can’t keep up and miss all the important stuff, or it’s way too slow and you start zoning out because you already understand everything. 是的。你的教授让人讨厌。是的,授课内容很枯燥。是的,讲课进度太快你根本跟不上,错过了所有重要的内容,或者太慢了,让你头昏脑胀,因为你早就理解了所有的知识。 The best students look at it this way: I’m going to be there no matter what, so what’s the best use of my time while I’m in the classroom? Ask questions, bring the textbook and look stuff up, focus on the important practice problems to copy down in your notes, try to anticipate what the professor is going to say, make note of anything they put emphasis on as a potential exam topic. All of these things make the time you have to spend in lecture more productive. And that’s less time you have to spend studying later on. 而最好的学生则这样想:无论如何我都要认真听课。那么,应该怎样最充分地利用课堂时间呢?问问题,打开教材,查找材料,集中精力研究练习题,抄到笔记本上,预测教授会讲什么,把他们强调的可能会考到的内容记下来。这些都会让你的课堂时间更加高效,也减少了课后学习花费的时间。
上一期: 吴彦祖的口语
下一期: this is your life