

2018-04-22    02'46''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

5759 75

《有一种努力叫投资自己》 See whatever you are doing, however you spend your time that tells who you are. 无论你现在正做什么事情,怎么使用你的时间决定了你是怎样的人。 So think about what it is you like to create your life experience. 仔细思考你所想创造的生活。 Once I look at how you commit your time, once I do an evaluation on how you spend your time, I can tell you exactly what you’re committed to. 一旦我看过你是如何使用时间的,我对你度过时光的方式做出评价,我能准确的说出你的理想。 How much time do you spend working on you? 你花了多少时间来提高自己? How much time do you spend every day working on your dream? 你每天花了多少时间去努力实现梦想? In the last 90 days, how many books have you read? 在过去的90天里,你的阅读量为多少? In the last year, what new skill or knowledge have you acquired? 你过去的一年里,你又习得了什么新技能或新知识? What kind of investment have you made in you? 你对自己做出了何种投资? A lot of people as soon as they punch out, they rush home to sit on the couch, they rush home to do nothing, they rush home just to, to sit there and figure out, “OK, I’m gonna go sleep, do it all tomorrow.” 许多人一下班,就急忙赶回家,坐在沙发上,什么也不做,仅仅只是坐在那儿,最后决定,先去睡觉,所有的事明天再完成吧。 You have to give it everything you got, no more TV, no more parties, no more play. 做每件事,你必须全身心投入,别再沉迷于电视,别再奔赴各种宴会,别再漫无目的的游荡。 If you have a 4.0, what you need to be doing is studying. 如果你有一门学科绩点为4.0,那你现在唯一要做的就是学习。 This is a life class. 这是一堂人生课 That means we have an opportunity to learn how to maximize our lives, think of the things that you are doing that somebody else can be doing, and think of yourself as a precious commodity, that you are gonna reserve your energy for your highest and best use. 其意味着我们有机会学习怎样最大限度的利用我们的生命,你现在正在做的事情也是其他人能做的,把自己当作是一笔宝贵的财富,其会为崇高且美妙的理想积累精力,呈蓄势待发状态。