

2019-09-29    03'04''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

3243 23

Hello,大家好! 7岁半的Ally今天终于可以在电台朗读英文故事啦,还请大家多支持!(个别地方读得有出入) The year is 1931. Two men run out of a bank in a little American town. Joe and Eddie are bank robbers. Joe's girlfriend Blanche is their driver. She is waiting in the car. The newspapers called them the red mask gang. Blanche drives out of the town, she is a fast driver. How much money Eddie?About nine thousand dollars. Suddenly Blanche sees a car. The police! They are getting nearer! Faster Blanche!Blanche drives the car faster,but it is dangerous. It's okay, Blanche! The police car is off the road!Two hours later, Blanche drives into a town. You can leave me here. I am going to rent a car. There are some cabins near here. The Blue Lake Cabins. I can stay there for a week or two. Okay Eddie. Phone us in two or three weeks. We're going to stay with Blanche's mother. Eddie takes his share of the money. He watches Blanche and Joe drive away. Eddie gets a room for the night. Then he counts his share of the money. Three thousand dollars! Next morning, Eddie rents a car. How far are Blue Lake Cabins? Not far. Wilma Pinch usually has cabins to rent.
评论 (共3条评论)
  • 2019-12-07
    Ally is wonderfulllllllll
  • 2019-09-30
  • 2019-09-29
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