电影口语 之 霍比特人 1

电影口语 之 霍比特人 1

2014-11-19    06'53''

主播: 水舞布蟾

1076 7

hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 today we gonna look at a famous film the hobbit.The Hobbit, is a fantasy novel and children's book by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature. 今天我们要来听一部著名的电影‘霍比特人’这是一部英国作家J. R. R. Tolkien写的少儿幻想类读物。出版于1937年的9月21日并广受好评。被提名为卡耐基儿童文学奖和纽约先驱报的最佳青少年小说奖 While The Hobbit has been adapted and elaborated upon in many ways, its sequel The Lord of the Rings is often claimed to be its greatest legacy. The Lord of the Rings contains several more supporting scenes, and has a more sophisticated plot structure, following the paths of multiple characters. 霍比特人被以多种方式接受和阐述,他的续集指环王为成为作者最伟大的作品。魔戒中支持的场景更多,故事结构更复杂,故事主线众多 Tolkien wrote the later story in much less humorous tones and infused it with more complex moral and philosophical themes. The differences between the two stories can cause difficulties when readers, expecting them to be similar, find that they are not.[111] Many of the thematic and stylistic differences arose because Tolkien wrote The Hobbit as a story for children, and The Lord of the Rings for the same audience, who had subsequently grown up since its publication. 作者对后作的故事手法用了更多的复杂道德和哲学命理而很少的幽默。2个故事的不同对读者会造成阅读上的困难,因为读者以为他们会比较相似,但却不是的。很多主题和风格的差异是因为当作者写霍比特人的时候是写给儿童,而指环王是写给长大了的他们。 ok, enough has been said, there will be more of it in next programs 好了,说了不少,在之后的节目中还有更多关于这部经典作品的介绍 let hear today's sentence from claire first, see what that gonna be 我们先来听claire说一下今天的这句话是什么 that's right,today's sentence is: 今天的句子是:他人还是满讲道理的 we heard it from claire, now let's hear it from the movie 听完claire的句子,我们来听一下电影中的这句话是怎么说的 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 他人还是满讲道理的 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 他人还是满讲道理的 the man can be reasoned with today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon 本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!