电影口语 之 最高通缉犯

电影口语 之 最高通缉犯

2014-12-11    06'58''

主播: 水舞布蟾

837 3

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目41: what's up my friend, i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 today we gonna hear a classical saying 今天我们来听一个经典的句子:恶习难改 first of all let's hear from waber, how he gonna put it? 首先来听听waber是怎么说这句话的 nice one, right? such saying is not only used in our china, but in english spoken countries as well. for example in this year's film A Most Wanted Man, we can hear this saying. 不错吧,这种说法不光是在我们国家,在英语国家也有这样的说法,我们在今年的一部电影 最高通缉犯 中就有这样的表达 something about that movie, it's the last film of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, if you don't know who he is, i suggest you look upon the internet. 这部电影是Philip Seymour Hoffman生前最后一部电影,如果你不知道他是谁,那上网查一下吧。 The more we know, the more we find out that everybody's glamorous job is boring, that it's boring to be a rock star and that it's boring to be a movie star . And now, thanks to "A Most Wanted Man," we discover that it's really boring - practically sleep-inducing - to be an international spy. 我们知道的越多,对那些看似光鲜的工作了解的越多,就会越发觉得无聊,当摇滚歌手如此,做电影明星也一样。现在感谢这部电影,我们知道当一个国际间谍有多无聊 But "A Most Wanted Man," based on John le Carre's novel, is the last film completed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died in February, and that kicks things up a notch. The law of supply and demand is more than an economic phenomenon. It's an emotional one, and knowing that this is one of the last new Hoffman movies we are ever going to get - two "Hunger Games" sequels still await release - sharpens our attention and adds an aura of importance to every scene he's in. 最高通缉犯源自John le Carre的小说,是Philip Seymour Hoffman的最后一部电影,他于今年2月去世,让事情留下了遗憾。供求法则不仅只是经济学现象。这也同样与感情相关,当得知这是Philip Seymour Hoffman的最后一部电影后(饥饿游戏还有2部未上映),大家都珍惜的关注每一个有他在的电影场景 He doesn't look well here, but then he's playing someone with poor health habits. Hoffman is smoking in virtually every scene, drinking heavily, and at one point he seems to be wheezing, though that could be the role. He plays a German intelligence agent and develops a way of talking that sounds a light German accent. So it's like a Welsh-inflected German we're hearing, part mumble, part growl, part bark. 他在影片中看起来并不太好,但他演的那个角色本身也是处于病态的状况。hoffman在几乎每一个场景中都在吸烟,酗酒,有一个状态他看上去喘息连连,但也许只是电影的需要。电影中他扮演一个德国情报人员,说起话来带点德国口语,又有点像受威尔士影响的德国人,听起来有点含糊,带点咆哮,又似叫喊 ok, enough has been said, there will be more of it in next programs 好了,说了不少,在之后的节目中还有更多关于这部经典作品的介绍 let hear today's sentence from claire first, see what that gonna be 我们先来听claire说一下今天的这句话是什么 that's right,today's sentence is: 今天的句子是:恶习难改 we heard it from claire, now let's hear it from the movie 听完claire的句子,我们来听一下电影中的这句话是怎么说的 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 恶习难改 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 恶习难改 old habits die hard today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon