青春 席慕容 作 许景城 译 所有的结局都已写好  所有的泪水也都已启程 却忽然忘了是怎样的一个开始 在那个古老的不再回来的夏日   无论我如何地去追索 年轻的你只如云影掠过 而你微笑的面容极浅极淡 逐渐隐没在日落后的群岚   遂翻开那发黄的扉页 命运将它装订得极为拙劣 含著泪我一读再读 却不得不承认  青春是一本太仓促的书 Youth All finales have been determined All tears have for the journey departed Yet I forgot how you, my Youth started In the old summer never to return   However hard I try to quest You, my Youth just flits away like a cloud shadow Your smiling countenance is so pale, so shallow Vanishing into the mountains after sunset   Turning slowly the yellowed title page Stapled deadly clumsy by fate With tears reading again and again I have to admit Youth is a fleeting book