Papa please get the moon for me

Papa please get the moon for me

2017-03-30    06'45''

主播: 希希读书

195 8

Before Monica went to bed she looked out of her window and saw the moon. The moon looked so near. 有一天晚上,小姑娘莫妮卡正要** 觉,突然,她透过窗户看到了天上的月亮。月亮又大又圆,看起来距离莫妮卡非常非常地近。 "I wish I could play with the moon," thought Monica, and reached for it. “好想和月亮玩啊。”莫妮卡说着,把自己的小手向月亮伸去。 But no matter how much she stretched, she could not touch the moon. 可是,她伸啊伸啊,怎么也都够不到月亮。 "Papa," said Monica to her father,"Please get the moon for me." “爸爸,你帮我把月亮摘下来好吗?”她对爸爸撒娇说。 Papa got a very long ladder. 于是,爸爸就找来一个****的梯子, He carried the very long ladder toward a very high mountain. 然后,爬到了一个很高很高的山上。 Then Papa put the very long ladder on top of the very high moutain. 他把长长的梯子搭在了高高的山顶上,不停地往上爬着爬着。 Up and up and up he climbed. 终于,爸爸爬到了月亮上。 Finally, Papa got to the moon, "My daughter Monica would like to play with you, but you are much too big" said Papa. “我的女儿特别想和你一起玩” 他对月亮说,“不过,你这么大,我没法带回去啊”。 "Every night I get a little smaller," said the moon. "When I am just the right size you can take me with you." 月亮说话了:“我每天晚上都会变小一点。等我变得差不多大小的时候,你就可以把我带回去了。” And, indeed, the moon got smaller and smaller. 果然,从那之后,月亮越来越小, And smaller. 越来越小, When the moon was just the right size, Papa took it. 最终它变成可以随身携带的大小,爸爸摘到月亮,拿在手中 Down and down and down he climbed. 一点点从梯子上面爬了下来。 "Here," said Papa to Monica, "I have the moon for you." “莫妮卡,这是你想要的月亮,给你!” Monica jumped and danced with the moon. 莫妮卡非常地高兴,她捧着月亮,和它一起蹦啊,跳**… She hugged the moon and threw it into the air. 时而紧紧抱着它,时而又把它高高抛起 But the moon kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and finally it disappeared altogether. 月亮还是越来越小,越来越小,最后呼得一下消失了。 Then, one night, Monica saw a thin sliver of the moon reapear. 几天之后,莫妮卡在天上发现了纤细的月亮。 Each night the moon grew..... 月亮每天晚上都在慢慢变大,慢慢变大…… And grew.. 慢慢变大…… And grew.. 慢慢变大……