

2016-06-01    05'08''

主播: 狐荼荼

26705 593

原曲地址:http://5sing.kugou.com/fc/15172334.html### 歌名《我的一个道姑朋友》 策划:千三毛蟹 原曲:《一番星》 词作:陆菱纱 演唱:Lon 道姑:浮梦若薇 和声编写:Sakura&HBY 和声:HBY 歌曲混音:蓦然 剧情混音:皮卡丘 曲绘:miamia_希小喵 PV:大王 题字:颜池 翻译:锦玉盒子 海报:蛊惑 出品:三个糙汉一个软妹组 道姑:那天洛道的雨下的好大好大,人群里有个人,他正在看我,却向我走来 那年长街春意正浓, Along the alley was furious spring of that year, 策马同游,烟雨如梦。 When we were riding horses, and the misty rain was like a dream. 檐下躲雨, Under shelter from the rain, 望进一双,深邃眼瞳, and looked into the eyes deeply, 宛如华山夹着细雪的微风。 I was feeling like mountain breeze with sprinkling snow. 雨丝微凉, The rain was cool, 风吹过暗香朦胧。 And the wind blows over with hazy fragrance. 一时心头悸动,似你温柔剑锋, Heartbeat of that moment, was like your sword dance, 过处翩若惊鸿。 Smart and graceful. 是否情字写来都空洞, I guess love the word is always empty, 一笔一画斟酌着奉送, Every inch we should be hesitating and giving, 甘愿卑微换个笑容, We are always willing to be humble for a smile. 或沦为平庸。 Or even become mediocrity. 道姑(独白):那个人说他喜欢我,我想我也应该是喜欢他的。 而你撑伞拥我入怀中, While you opened the umbrella and held me in your arms, 一字一句誓言多慎重。 Every word and promise was so clear. 你眼中有柔情千种, All the tender feelings in your eyes, 如脉脉春风,冰雪也消融。 Was like spring breeze which can melt snow and ice. 后来谁家喜宴重逢, Then I met you on the ceremony, 佳人在侧,烛影摇红。 When the beautiful girl beside you, and red candles glowing. 灯火缱绻, The lantern is soft, 映照一双,如画颜容, Soft and casting light on the pretty faces, 宛如豆蔻枝头温柔的旧梦。 Like a gentle dream in my old days. 道姑:在别人的婚宴上,他和他的意中人也去了,那我呢,我是谁,人人都说他们天生一对,我也觉得般配极了,可我还是想问他,我想到他面前问他,是不是我送的马具不够好看,是不是那天的桂花糕我没捂热,是不是(停顿,哽咽沙哑)世上的人都是这样,连自己承诺的誓言都可以,随意收回。 对面不识, You didn’t recognize me, 恍然间思绪翻涌。 While my memories keep pumping out. 望你白衣如旧,神色几分冰冻, You were in white robe, with cold looking on face. 谁知我心惶恐? Who knows how surprised I was? 也许我应该趁醉装疯, Maybe I should pretend to be drunk, and 借你怀抱留一抹唇红。 Kiss you when in your arms. 再将旧事轻歌慢诵, Then tell about the old things of ours, 任旁人惊动。 Just ignore the others. 可我只能假笑扮从容, But all I can do is to smile calmly, 侧耳听那些情深意重。 And listen to the sweet love words. 不去看你熟悉脸孔, Try not to see the familiar face, 只默默饮酒,多无动于衷。 Keep on drinking, with more indifference. 山门外,雪拂过白衣,又在指尖消融; Down the mountain, the white snow swept over my coat, and melt on my fingertip; 负长剑,试问江湖阔大,该何去何从? Sword on back, where should I go, in this complicated world? 今生至此,像个笑话一样,自己都嘲讽, Until now in my life, I have been like a joke, ridiculed even by myself, 一厢情愿,有始无终。 It was my own wishful thinking, begin well but end badly. 若你早与他人两心同, If you felt in love with others, 何苦惹我错付了情衷。 Why involved me into the wrong love game. 难道看我失魂落魄, Unless you would better see this, 你竟然心动? When I lost my soul? 所幸经年漂浮红尘中, Fortunately I’ve witnessed all the love and hate, 这颗心已是千疮百孔。 And my heart is hurt long ago. 怎惧你以薄情为刃, How would I fear of your heartless blade, 添一道裂缝? To get one more cut on it? 又不会痛。 It’s not painful anyway. 不如将过往埋在风中, I would rather bury the past in the wind, 以长剑为碑,(以)霜雪为冢。 With my sword for tombstone, (with) frost and snow for grave. 此生若是错在相逢, If it’s a mistake that I came across you in this lifetime, 求一个善终。 Please as least end me well. 道姑:后来我一个人去了很多地方,从春天一直走到冬天,那个时候的那件事和事里的那个人,就好像是我做的一场梦,现在梦醒了,什么都没了 孤身打马南屏旧桥过, Alone I ride my horse passing the old bridge, 恰逢山雨来时雾蒙蒙。 It happen to be a misty whether before mountain rain. 想起那年伞下轻拥, Think of our embrace under the umbrella of the old days, 就像躺在桥索之上,做了一场梦。 I feel like lying on the bridge and having a dream. 梦醒后跌落,粉身碎骨,无影亦无踪。 When wake up I fall, break and die away, without trace. 道姑:不要像我一样,活的像个笑话。