【阅读】歪果仁最喜欢的惊悚小说Top 8

【阅读】歪果仁最喜欢的惊悚小说Top 8

2016-05-28    09'09''

主播: 千年刚刚满三岁

3800 350

We recently asked people to tell us about the most suspenseful book they'd ever read — and they totally delivered. These titles will definitely take your breath away. 最近我们请人们列举出自己读过的最精彩的悬疑小说,人们给我们的答案五花八门。这些书一定会让你投入其中不能自拔! 1. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins 《火车上的女孩》 作者:保拉·霍金斯 Rachel always observed a woman from her train as she passed the suburbs. But what happens when this woman goes missing? Rachel feels compelled to solve the mystery and stumbles upon dark, shocking truths in the process. 瑞秋乘坐火车经过市镇的时候,常常看见一个女孩。可是后来女孩却消失了。发生了什么事?瑞秋感到必须要去查明事实真相,没想到在这个过程中,却无意解开了更加黑暗、可怕的事实。 2. Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson 《在我入睡前》 作者:S.J.华生 Christine Lucas suffers from anterograde amnesia, a disease that causes her to lose all her memories after she goes to bed. She wakes up every morning not recognizing the bedroom she is in, or the man sleeping beside her (whom afterwards claims to be her husband, Ben). Everyday, she also receives a phone call from a doctor who has been helping her without her husband's knowledge, and reminds her about a personal diary she has been hiding. She flips over the cover and sees three words written in her own handwriting: "Don't trust Ben." 克里斯汀·卢卡斯患有顺行性遗忘症,这种病会让她在入睡后失去所有的记忆。每天早上她醒来都不认识自己所睡的卧室,也不认识睡在她身边的男人(这个男人后来告诉她,自己名叫本,是她的丈夫)。每天她还会接到一个医生的电话,这名医生一直在帮助她,而她的丈夫则并不知情。在医生的提醒下,她注意到一本自己一直保存的私人日记。她打开书壳随手翻阅,发现一行自己亲手写的字迹:“别相信本”。 3. Bird Box by Josh Malerman 《鸟箱》 作者:乔什·马勒曼 An unknown creature is stalking the survivors of an apocalyptic attack. One glimpse of it is enough to drive a person to violent, fatal madness. Now Malorie and her two small children must make their way to safety down the river in a small boat — blindfolded, with only their ears to guide them. 一场致命的灾难刚刚过去,幸存者的求生之路却被一只不明生物阻碍了。人们只要看一眼这个生物,就会变得歇斯底里、疯狂混乱、死期将至。可是现在,玛洛尼和她的两个幼子必须乘着小船顺河而下,抵达安全的区域——他们蒙住眼睛,只有耳朵作为向导。 4. An Untamed State by Roxane Gay 《未征服之岭》 作者:洛萨利·盖伊 Mireille's harrowing fall from a fairy-tale life of privilege to the torment of her kidnap and captivity at the hands of a violent gang. 米雷列曾经拥有童话一般的奢华生活,谁知命运突变,她突然被一伙暴力组织绑架并受尽折磨。 5. Sphere by Michael Chrichton 《幽灵》 作者:克里奇顿 Six reasons you should read Sphere ASAP: 1) Alien 2) Spaceship 3) Discovered 4) On 5) Ocean 6) Floor. 六个词告诉你,你应该拜读《幽灵》的原因:1、外星人;2、宇宙飞船;3、被发现;4、位于;5、大洋;6、海底。(在海底发现外星人的宇宙飞船) 6. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón 《风之影》 作者:卡洛斯·鲁依斯·萨丰 A young boy is taken to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books by his father and happens to pick one up. Years later, he finds out someone has been destroying all books by that author, and he’s drawn into the mystery surrounding these events. 一个小男孩在爸爸的带领下来到了遗忘书籍之冢,信手拿走了一本。数年之后,他发现同一作者的书一直被人有意损毁,从此陷入了与之相关的神秘事件之中。 7. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 《无人生还》 作者:阿加莎·克里斯蒂 Ten strangers are invited to a mysterious island home for a weekend, only to be killed off one by one in increasingly gruesome ways. But no one has any clue who's behind it all or why this group of strangers was brought together in the first place. 十个素不相识的陌生人受邀前往一个神秘的岛屿共度周末,接着他们一个接一个地被谋杀,手法一个比一个可怕。可是,大家对于谁是幕后主使毫无头绪,甚至连这伙人一开始为什么被聚到一起都不知道。 8. Descent by Tim Johnston 《品德》 作者:蒂姆·约翰森 Teenaged brother and sister Sean and Caitlin go for an early-morning run during a family vacation in the Rockies, but the Sean returns alone. The novel then follows the Courtland family for the next year as they cope with their loss. They don't know what happened; — but, in the end, the Caitlin's ultimate fate comes as a surprise to all. 肖恩和凯特琳是卡特兰德家的小兄妹,他们都只有十来岁,一次全家人去洛基山度假,两人早起晨跑,结果却只有肖恩一个人跑回家。小说接着跳叙一年后,卡特兰德一家如何面对失去亲人的伤痛。他们不知道那天到底发生了什么。不过,卡特琳最终的命运却让所有人大吃一惊。 本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容。中文翻译仅代表沪江译者个人观点,仅供参考。 Music: Jupiter Blues - You're My Universe Jocelyn Pook,Russian Red - Loving Strangers