【职场】四招教你建立人脉 Part 1

【职场】四招教你建立人脉 Part 1

2016-05-28    09'20''

主播: 千年刚刚满三岁

4690 467

You're standing face-to-face with a professional in your industry who can help you advance your career. This is your chance to wow this person with a strong handshake, bright smile and direct eye contact, followed by a witty comment that initiates a loud fit of laughter. 现在,你和一个行业专家正面对面站着,并且这个专家对促进你的职业生涯有很大的帮助。这是一个机会,你可以先通过一次有力的握手,灿烂的微笑以及直接的对视来博得他对你的称赞,接着再以诙谐的话语引发彼此的开怀大笑。 However, you can't communicate well or make a good first impression when your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty, your thoughts are scattered and you're blanking on that pitch you prepared. 但是,当你嘴唇发干,手心冒汗,思维分散,而且突然记不起之前准备的东西时,你就不可能表达得很好或者说给别人留下一个很好的第一印象。 Here's the good news: These nervous feelings and anxious thoughts are completely normal (and, in fact, very common), and there are ways to overcome them. Before you know it, you'll be shaking hands and expanding your network with ease and confidence. 这里有一个好消息:这些紧张的感觉和焦虑的情绪都是正常的(事实上,也很常见),并且有许多方法可以克服它们。在你知道这点之前,你要一直握手,然后轻松自信地扩大你的人际关系网。 Here are some networking tips to put to use when you feel intimidated. 当你胆怯的时候可以使用下列方法来建立你的人际关系网。 1. Forget about the business side 1. 忘记业务方面的事情 Remember that engaging in a professional relationship is not an immoral practice founded on dishonesty. Job seekers should focus on maintaining a casual mentality and they should approach networking with a genuine curiosity instead of a fear of failure (or the more complicated fear of success). 记住,构建职业上的人情关系,并不是一种建立在欺骗基础上的不道德行为。求职者们应该注意保持漫不经心的心态,他们应该出于真正的好奇心来接触同行,而不是因为害怕失败(或者是因渴望成功而产生的说不清道不明的恐惧感)。 In order to develop a relaxed mindset, job seekers should remind themselves that they are building a social network that is founded on mutual respect, genuine interest and a clear understanding of reciprocity. 为了培养放松的思维模式,求职者们应该提醒自己他们所在建立的社交网络是基于共同的尊重,真实的兴趣和互惠原则。 In other words, you aren't just hunting for favors and begging for advice and advancement opportunities. Besides, the people you meet and get to know while networking are just that — people. They have families, obligations, fears and strengths — and they spill mustard on their shirts just like you. 换句话说,你不能只是为了寻求帮助,恳求建议和发展机会。另外,当你建立人际关系网时你所见和所要结识的也是人。他们有家人,有责任,有忧惧和长处,也会像你一样把芥末酱洒在他们的衬衫上。 Once you remind yourself of the dynamics of a professional relationship, you can initiate conversations with confidence. Use a warm smile that says, "I'm approachable, and I'm excited to meet you." 一旦你自己想起了职业关系上的互动方式,你就可以发起一次自信的谈话。一个温暖的笑容可以说明,“我很友善,并且很高兴认识你。” 2. Nail down your pitch 2. 确定好你的选讲内容 According to a recent survey conducted by the University of Phoenix School of Business, 15% of working adults surveyed say they don't have enough experience to make networking worthwhile. Don't fall victim to missing out on a great opportunity just because your resume isn't robust. This is where preparation comes in. 根据菲尼克斯大学商学院最近的一项调查,百分之十五被调查的成年工作者表示,他们不知道如何让人际关系网变得有价值。千万别只是因为简历不够好而成为了错失绝好机会的受害者。从这里参与准备吧。 Preparing a pitch can be tricky because it can sound like a sales tactic. Avoid clichés and slogans so the listener knows that you're sincerely presenting actionable solutions and not blowing smoke just to get a new job. Ultimately, a pitch should be a clear expression of your purpose and intentions. Here's how to prep the perfect pitch: 准备个讲稿可能是件棘手的事情,因为它听起来像是一个销售策略。不要老生常谈和喊口号,以便听众能知道你在真诚地提出可行的解决方案,而不只是为了得到一份新工作在那里大肆吹嘘。最终,一次宣讲应能清楚地表达你的目的和意图。下面将告诉你该如何准备一次完美的宣讲: Self-reflection: The first step is to really think about your goals. What is your purpose for speaking with this person? While the end goal is to advance your career in some way, your real focus is keeping the listener intrigued. You want him or her to be hooked and listen to your entire story. 反省:第一步就是要好好考虑你的目标。你和这个人说话的目的是什么?当你最终的目标是想在某种程度上促进你的职业发展时,你真正的重点是要保持听众的兴趣。你想要吸引他们,并且希望他们能够听完你的整个故事。 Tell your story: Write a clear introduction that describes who you are, what you do and how you plan on helping the listener. Identify the problem that he or she has and show how your solution is the best one. This is where storytelling abilities come into play. Introduce a challenge, describe how you solved it and explain what you learned. 讲故事:写一份清晰的自我介绍,内容包括描述你是谁,你做什么的以及你计划怎么帮助你的听众。在确定好他们有这个问题后,接着你要展示出你的解决方案是最棒的一个。此处讲故事的能力就发挥了作用。你还要介绍下遇到的挑战,描述出你是如何解决这个问题以及从中学到了什么。 Integrate a call to action: Finally, leave the listener with something actionable. This is where you schedule a follow up, such as grabbing a cup of coffee or going out to lunch. 决定与行为相结合:最后你留给听众的应该是可执行的方案,此处你要安排一个后续行动,例如赶紧为他们弄杯咖啡或是带他们出去吃饭。 Practice makes perfect: Once you have this pitch written, read through it and practice several times. This is a great method for learning what you need to cover, but don't try to memorize and recite it word for word — your delivery shouldn't feel contrived. You want to hit your strong talking points and deliver your pitch from a place of sincerity and confidence. 熟能生巧:一旦你写好了讲稿,要通读你的讲稿并进行多次的练习。这是了解你还需要包含哪些内容的最好的办法。但是不要试图逐字逐句地记忆和背诵——你的演说方式不应该让人感到不自然。你应该准确表现出你强有力的论据,并且以一种真诚自信的方式发表演讲。 本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容。中文翻译仅代表沪江译者个人观点,仅供参考。 Music: 深町纯 - 绵雪 Shawn Mendes - This Is What It Takes