【职场】四招教你建立人脉 Part 2

【职场】四招教你建立人脉 Part 2

2016-05-28    08'45''

主播: 千年刚刚满三岁

6072 461

3. Relax and stand tall 3. 放轻松,自信点 All of these networking tips are only effective if you feel relaxed. People project their emotional states more than they realize through nonverbal cues. For example, crossed arms communicate resistance and a sense of defensiveness, whereas open arms make you appear more approachable. 所有这些建立人际关系网的技巧只有当你感到放松的时候才会有效。通过非语言的暗示,人们所表现出的情绪状态比他们意识到的要多。例如,双臂交叉表示抵抗和防卫意识。反之,双臂张开会让你显得更加友善。 Body language is more than just a representation of our emotional state. It can even affect our mentality. A September 2014 study conducted by researchers at the University of Auckland and published in Health Psychology found that standing up straight reduces stress. Upright participants said that they felt less fear, higher self-esteem and an overall better mood. Be mindful of your posture and how your body language is being presented when you&`&re approaching people to network with. They&`&re reading you before you have a chance to speak. 肢体语言不仅仅是我们情绪状态的体现。它甚至能影响我们的心态。2014年9月奥克兰大学曾在健康心理学上发表过一份研究,这份研究显示笔直站立能够减少压力。那些笔直站立了的参与者们说他们会感到不那么害怕,有更高的自尊并且整体上有一个更好的心情。当你接近并和他们打交道的时候,请注意你的仪态以及你所展现的肢体语言。他们会在你和他们交谈之前先猜测你。 There are several other simple techniques that can help reduce stress and put you in a relaxed mindset. Certain stretches can provide stress relief, such as ear-to-shoulder stretches, spine rotations and toe touching. A study published by Oxford University Press in June 2014 found that regularly practicing yoga and other physical activity provided evidence of stress relief. 其他一些简单的技巧也可以帮助你减压,让你有个放松的思维模式。一些伸展动作可以让你的压力得到缓解,比如从耳朵到肩部的伸展,脊椎转体和脚尖碰触。牛津大学出版社在2014年6月发表的研究发现,定期做瑜伽练习和其他的物理运动证明了其能够缓解压力。 Also, practicing mindfulness through exercises like meditation, yoga and tai chi can increase self-awareness and build skills to manage stress. These exercises can also reduce negative emotions. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study in May 2014 providing evidence suggesting that consistent meditation practice improves a person&`&s quality of life and general mental health. While incorporating practices like meditation into your daily routine would be the best practice, you should at least perform them leading up to a networking event or professional interaction. 同样,你可以通过诸如冥想,练瑜伽和打太极拳的方法来练习定力,这可以增强自我意识,培养应对压力的技能。这些锻炼也可以减少你的消极情绪。在2014年5月交替与补偿医学杂志发表了一项研究,该研究提供的证据显示坚持做冥想练习可以改善一个人的生活质量和一般的心理健康。并入一些像冥想的练习到你的日常生活中将是最好的做法。在要和别人打交道或进行工作上的互动时你至少要做些这样的练习。 Positive affirmations are a great way of shifting a negative mentality to a positive one. You can write your own by choosing a negative thought about yourself and writing the positive opposite that counteracts that belief. For example, if you&`&re thinking, "I don&`&t deserve this opportunity," you can write an affirmation like, "I deserve this, and I am excited to succeed." Affirmations like these are realistic and achievable perspectives that you can develop through repetition. 正面的肯定是一种转变消极心态到积极心态的最好办法。你可以写下关于你自己的消极想法,再写下积极的想法来抵消那种观点。例如,如果你认为“我不应该得到这个机会”,你可以写一个肯定的话“这是我应得的,我很高兴能够成功”。类似这些的肯定是符合实际且可实现的想法,你可以通过重复来培养这种正确认知。 4. Schedule the follow-up 4. 安排后续行动 Now that you&`&re relaxed and armed with an awesome pitch and confident mindset, you are able to apply these networking tips. You have a great opportunity to seize or squander — don&`&t do the latter. Make sure that once you shake hands, introduce yourself and nail that pitch, you schedule a follow-up. 由于你很放松,也已备有极好的讲稿和自信的思维模式,那么你就能运用这些建立人际关系网的方法。你有一个好机会可以抓住或者挥霍——千万不要做后者。确保在你握完手,介绍完自己并且确定好了讲稿后,你要安排个后续行动。 It&`&s important to be clear about your intentions for a coffee or lunch meeting. For example, explain how you hope to discuss how you can be an asset to your contact&`&s company in a more detailed way. Also, use this first follow-up to further your rapport. 你要清楚你安排喝咖啡或者吃午餐的目的是什么,这点很重要。例如,说明你希望如何来讨论,如何以一个更详细的方法成为你熟人公司的财富。同样,你要利用这个后续行动让你们之间更融洽。 After the pitch and before the follow-up, send a quick email expressing your appreciation for their time. Finally, connect online through LinkedIn, and maintain an ongoing relationship with this contact and their network: Share information, join industry-related organizations, comment on relevant posts, and even contribute content to message boards. 在宣讲之后,后续行动之前,快速发个邮件,对他们此次的到来表达下你的感激之情。最后,通过LinkedIn(领英)进行在线联系,和这个熟人以及他们的人际关系网保持一个不断发展的关系:分享信息,加入与行业相关的组织,对相关帖子发表评论,甚至可以撰写一些内容到留言板。 These networking tips and relaxation techniques are realistic and effective methods for success. 这些建立人际关系网的技巧和放松窍门对于成功是实际有效的方法。 本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容。中文翻译仅代表沪江译者个人观点,仅供参考。 Music: S.E.N.S. - Future Luke Thompson - On a Slow Boat to China