

2016-06-08    11'16''

主播: 千年刚刚满三岁

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The Blob 肉球 When Mystique first happens upon the mutants Angel and Nightcrawler, they’re being forced to fight in an underground cage match. Angel is obviously the favorite, having dispatched over a dozen mutants forced to face him – the most recent being a massively obese man. In an X-Men story, that’s almost always likely to be The Blob – the character previously seen in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. 当魔形女第一次出现在变种人天使和夜行者(又称蓝魔鬼)面前时,天使和夜行者被迫在一个地下铁笼进行决斗。天使显然是大红人——已经撂倒了一打被迫和他决斗的变种人——最新的一个是个巨型胖子。在X战警的故事中,他很可能就是“大块头”(The Blob)—在《X战警前传:金刚狼》中就出现过。 The Once & Future King 《永恒之王》 When we first meet Charles Xavier this time around, he’s in the middle of class, reading a passage from T. H. White’s “The Once and Future King” – a book that should be memorable for any fan of the films. Not only is Magneto seen reading it in The second of Bryan Singer’s mutant blockbusters, but it’s mentioned in another lesson by Xavier in the same movie. 这回我们第一次见到X教授,他正坐在学生中间,为他们朗读亚瑟王经典小说《永恒之王》其中的一篇幅,这可是电影粉丝的难忘的一本书。不仅是因为由布莱恩·辛格指导的变种人大片《X战警:逆转未来》中,万磁王也有读过(不好意思,EC大法好==),在同部电影里,X教授的另一节课上也有提及。 The Six Million Dollar Man 无敌金刚 Quicksilver returns to give not just one more superspeed sequence, but plenty more pop culture references. Among them is his choice of shirt, sporting a nod to The Six Million Dollar Man of the classic TV show. 快银的回归不光是带来超音速镜头演绎,还有很多流行文化致敬。其中一点就是他身着经典电视节目《无敌金刚》的T恤。 Who Mourns For Adonais? 《谁哀悼阿多尼斯》 When Apocalypse is ushered into Storm’s home, he begins the (brief) process of learning what the world has become, including its many languages. He does it by pressing his hand to a TV set and tapping into the world’s satellites – but pay attention to what’s on the screen when he enters. It’s another episode of the original Star Trek series, “Who Mourns For Adonais” . 当天启拜访暴风女家的时候,他开始了(简单粗暴的)学习当下世界的过程,包括它的许多语言。他把自己的手压在电视机上,接入了世界卫星,但请瞩目——当他进屋的时候,电视上放的啥?老版《星际迷航》的一集:《谁哀悼阿多尼斯》。 Jubilee’s Style 李千欢的造型 This film removed the appearance of Jubilee. Thankfully, for the little time she does appear, her wardrobe is almost a perfect match for her classic costume, starting with the incredibly-80s yellow jacket and hot pink accessories. 电影里没李千欢啥事儿。但庆幸的是,她出场的短短几分钟里,她的行头和漫画中经典的造型非常匹配,一开始就身着令人难以置信的80年代的黄夹克配粉发带。 Angel’s Anthem 天使的颂歌 Before Angel is transformed, take note of the music he has blaring in the background. It’s “The Four Horsemen”from Metallica’s 1983 album “Kill ‘Em All.”Not only is it the right time period and tone, but the title makes it seem like fate. 在天使升级之前,背景音乐请做个笔记吧——那是1983年金属乐队《Kill ‘Em All》专辑中的《The Four Horsemen》。这不仅是在恰如其分时间里响起的合适旋律,标题也像是命运的写照。 Stan Lee Cameo 斯坦·李的客串 There no Marvel movie that doesn’t feature a cameo from the Marvel legend Stan Lee. Lee appears as one of the many people watching as America’s nuclear arsenal is sent into the sky. What makes this one special? Lee appears with his real-life wife, Joan. 所有的漫威电影都有漫威传奇人物斯坦·李的客串。斯坦·李和众人一起围观美国核武器被发送到空中。为什么此次这么特别呢?因此此次他是和妻子Joan一起出镜的。 Weapon X X武器计划 The movie made it close to release without the appearance of Wolverine being revealed, but the actual movie showed him in a truly new light. The young mutants stumbled upon the test subject deemed Weapon X. When he escapes, he appears complete with the headset and equipment torn straight out of the comics. 本片在发布前没有狼叔的出现,但是在正片中却以一种新的形式使他出现。年轻的变种人偶然发现了处在实验阶段的X武器计划。漫画中,当金刚狼逃出时,戴着笨重的头盔,全身插满设备。 注:威廉·史崔克将军组建的“X武器计划”,包括罗根(金刚狼)、维克托(剑齿虎)、约翰(鬼魂)、弗雷德(肉球)、布莱德利、斯科特(死侍)以及大卫(零号专员)。就是把他们抓起来关在岛上做实验,研究出“超级变种人”——这一无敌变种人听从美国官方军令,实在打造超级兵器。 The Phoenix Force 凤凰女的神力 One of the worst kept secrets of the movie for any X-Men fan is the mysterious power growing inside of Jean Grey. She can’t describe it, but comic readers know it’s likely the cosmic Phoenix Force, led to a villainous turn for Jean (as Dark Phoenix). 琴·葛蕾体内应运而生的这股神秘力量,简直是电影保留的最烂秘密了,X战警的粉丝几乎人人皆知。她无法言说这股神力,但是但是看过漫画的人都知道,这应该就是漫画中的凤凰之力,导致了琴葛蕾的黑化(黑凤凰)。 X-23 in the Making? 23号制造中? After cleaning up the facility of blood and bullet casings following Wolverines escape, mystery men arrive to take blood samples for unknown purposes. The blood samples are probably a hint towards the creation of X-23, a young woman grown from the blood of Wolverine with his powers. 金刚狼逃跑,血样和子弹设备清理后,神秘人不明原因地拿走了血样。血样暗示着X-23的诞生——X-23是拥有金刚狼血液力量的年轻女性。 Mister Sinister 惊恶先生 The final easter egg has to do with the name on the briefcase in which the blood sayers are stored: Essex Corp. As in Nathaniel Essex, better known to Marvel fans as Mister Sinister. It’s hard to guess where future films could put him to use, but it’s a hint at what’s coming, all the same. 最后的彩蛋是关于储存血样机密箱上面的名字:埃塞克斯集团。漫威迷都知道这里影射的是纳撒尼尔•埃塞克斯(惊恶先生,反派)。很难预测下一部影片中他将起到什么作用。但是他所影射的即将到来之事,却从来都一样。 声明:本文系沪江英语原创内容。本文仅代表作者个人观点,仅供参考。 Music: Dennis Kuo - Ever Eternity