Nine signs of escapists - Part 1

Nine signs of escapists - Part 1

2016-08-26    07'17''

主播: 千年刚刚满三岁

5964 405

Believe it or not, there's an escapist in all of us. But some of us tend to take escapism to the next level and this can be quite bad. In this article, I will identify 9 signs of being an escapist. So if you want to know whether you are an escapist, check these 9 signs below. 信不信由你,其实每个人心里都住着一个“逃避现实者”;只不过有些人比较纵容逃避主义,导致情况变得不那么乐观而已。在这篇文章中,我将向你揭示作为逃避现实者的9个征兆。如果你想知道自己有没有中枪,那就赶紧看看下面这9条征兆吧。 1. You daydream (a lot). 1. 经常做白日梦。 If you have a tendency to daydream (a lot), then you could be an escapist. Escapists are people who want to create their own reality whilst they go about their daily routine. And these day dreams don't tend to happen purposefully; they actually happen quite naturally when you don't expect it. And when they do occur, you welcome them. 如果你经常做白日梦,那你可能就是个逃避现实者。撇开日常现实生活,逃避现实者更愿意营造一个属于自己的小世界;而他们所设想的白日梦往往不会刻意实现,只会在最不经意的时候顺其自然地出现;当白日梦真的成真时,那就尽情享受吧。 2. You are very creative. 2. 极具创造力。 If you are capable of making your own alternate reality in your mind, then you must be one imaginative and creative person. And because you developed this habit of imagining, you regularly exercise your creative muscles so you come up with new ideas all the time. 如果你很擅长为自己想象出另一种生活,那说明你想象力丰富、非常有创造力。而且,因为你经常不自主地东想西想,创新思维比较发达,所以总能冒出不少新颖的点子来。 3. You want to live life on your own terms. 3. 喜欢随心生活。 If you are an escapist, chances are you are working in a job that you don't really like. And you probably have this burning desire to quit your job. But being an escapist is not just about wishing to quit your job; there could be many things in your life that you wish weren't there. They could be finance or family-related, and things which you don't have control over. Escapists like yourself are longing to free from their shackles and live life on their own terms. 如果你是一个逃避现实者,那么有可能你并不是特别热爱自己的工作,甚至很想辞职走人。但对逃避现实者来说,一切并不只是辞职那么简单,其实,生活中很多事情都不如其愿,比如经济状况、家庭关系、各种无法掌控的事情等等。逃避现实者特别渴望挣脱各种枷锁、渴望能够随心生活。 4. You love to travel the world. 4. 喜欢周游世界。 You're quick to be bitten by the travel bug. And by travelling, it is not your usual going to a beach and partying type of vacation (although you won't mind doing that now and then). Your idea of travelling is to explore and to embrace the vibrant cultures that the world would have to offer. 你会一直被旅行的愿望挠得心痒痒。虽然你并不介意俗套的漫步沙滩或派对度假,但对你而言,旅行更多的是探索和经历世界各地的风情文化。 Music: 岡崎倫典 - Living Naturally Bella Thorne - Call It Whatever.mp3