【万花瞳】8 Secrets of Wearing

【万花瞳】8 Secrets of Wearing

2016-08-30    07'00''

主播: 千年刚刚满三岁

21998 1325

You know the ladies we're talking about: the ones at work, at book club, at PTA, hell even at the gym, who just seem effortless. You wonder how they dress so well but you can't quite pinpoint the exact reasons why. Here's what they do. 你一定知道标题指的是哪种女性吧:她们在工作中、读书会、家庭教师协会,天哪甚至在健身房,都能毫无压力地保持美丽。你想知道她们是怎么做到如此穿搭的,却又不知其中确切原由。下面就来慢慢告诉你,她们其实是这么做的。 1. They Know the Devil Is in the Details 1、她们懂得细节是关键所在 A slight half tuck. A loose roll of the sleeve. Small extra steps go a long way in the presentation of an otherwise boring oxford shirt. 把衬衣塞一点进下装,袖子卷得宽松一些。这些小小的细节处理能让一件无趣的牛津衬衣有着非凡的呈现效果。 2. They Pay Special Attention to Fit 2、她们对衣服合身格外重视 There are two rules of fit you must follow: 1) Know what looks great on your shape, and 2) befriend your tailor. Hemming those culottes jumpsuits by even just one inch could make all the difference. 有两个原则你必须遵守:1)必须知道自己的身材穿什么服饰最好看。2)裁缝是你的好伙伴。卷起你连体裤的裤脚边,哪怕是1英寸都能大有改观。 3. They Choose Like-Minded Materials 3、她们选择气场相配的布料 We're not calling it a "theme"...but rather a motif. If you want that new denim mini to stand out in a good way, pair it with wools and suedes (not silks and rayons). 这里所谓的相配不叫“主题”,而是一种基调。如果你想让那条新的牛仔裙夺人眼球,请配以羊毛或者麂皮(而不是丝绸或者人造纤维)。 4. They Make Their Nails a Priority 4、她们总是优先考虑指甲 You may think no one notices it's been two weeks since your last mani. But they do. Trimmed nails and soft cuticles give the illusion that everything else you're wearing is expensive and important. 你也许觉得就算两个礼拜没做指甲也不会有人发现。但其实并不是这样的。修理整洁的指甲和柔软的角质层会让大家以为你穿的一切都昂贵而得体。 5. They Take Care of their Things 5、她们把自己的衣物整理得当 Like your nails, people also notice raveling threads. Do a gut-check before you leave the house and steam out any wrinkles, buff off any shoe scuffs, clip any errant strings and give the ol' lint roller a whirl. 就好像指甲一样,人们也会对散开的线头格外注意。在出门前,要仔细检查身上的细节,烫平褶皱,磨平鞋子上的磨损,剪掉线头,用粘毛器在衣服表面滚上一圈。 6. They Weave in New Trends...Subtly 6、她们以一种精妙的方式融入潮流 Raw-hemmed culotte jeans are a lot--we know. But ladies who always look put together? Always pair them with more classic, neutral pieces. 我们也知道,磨边喇叭牛仔裤已经人手一条了。但时刻保持美丽的女性都是怎么穿它的呢?她们一向配以更经典、裸色系的单品。 7. They Allow Themselves to Be Comfy (Not Sloppy) 7、她们让自己保持舒适(不是邋遢哦) There's a difference. Keep your sneakers clean and your elastic fabrics form-fitting and you should be just fine. 舒适和邋遢可是有区别的。保持你的运动鞋洁净,保持弹性材料合身,你就已经很美啦。 8. They Carry Themselves with Confidence 8、她们身披自信 But regardless of what you're wearing, your posture speaks volume. Hold your chin up, your shoulders back and your tummy in. And whatever it is you're wearing will suddenly hang the way it's supposed to. 抛开着装,你的态度为你代言。扬起下巴,挺起肩膀,收起腹部。无论你穿什么,都会瞬间达到效果。 Music: 春畑道哉 - a song for love Naturally 7 - As Tears Go By