2015-01-23    01'45''

主播: 向专八看齐

18334 941

Today, as I told you last week, we are cooking shepherd's pie in this class. 如同上个礼拜我跟你们说的,今天在课堂上我们要做的是牧羊人派。 Shepherd's pie is a traditional British dish and because, as you know, we eat lots of potatoes, it's also a very popular dish in England. 如同上个礼拜我跟你们说的,今天在课堂上我们要做的是牧羊人派。 OK, class, I'm going to tell you what you need. 好了,同学们,我要告诉你们所需要的材料了, Minced beef, onion, garlic cloves, sage, thyme, butter or vegetable oil, flour, beef stock, salt and pepper, and of course, mashed potatoes. 牛绞肉,洋葱,蒜头,鼠尾草,百里香,奶油或植物油,面粉,牛肉清汤,盐和胡椒,当然啦,还有马铃薯泥。 As an option, you may use rosemary. For the details of the recipe, a handout will be distributed at the end of this lesson. 你可以自由选择要不要加迷迭香。有关食谱的细节,在下课的时候会发讲义给各位, So, please pay attention to the directions on how to prepare the dish. 所以现在请注意听如何制作这道菜的解说。 Firstly, melt the butter in a large frying pan and stir in the flour. 首先,在一个大型的平底煎锅里面将奶油溶开,并加入面粉搅拌, Then, cook for a few minutes stirring until the mixture is smooth and blended. 然后逐个几分钟,一直搅拌到奶油和面粉的混合物充分拌匀,变得很光滑为止。 Next, slowly stir in the beef broth and continue cooking and stirring until the gravy has thickened, about five to eight minutes. 接下来,一边慢慢搅拌,一边加入牛肉清汤,继续搅拌煮到调味肉汁变浓,大概需要5 分到8 分钟。 But, if you are in a hurry, you may use a prepared gravy. 但是如果你赶时间,也可以用现成调好的肉汁。 OK, now, it's thick enough. So, add the rest of the ingredients except the mashed potatoes and mix well. 好了,现在汤汁已经够浓了,所以我们可以加入除了马铃薯泥以外的其余材料,并且把它们拌匀。 Then put mixture into a casserole dish and spread the mashed potatoes evenly on top. 然后把这些材料倒进烤盘,把马铃薯泥平均铺在上面。 OK, we're almost there. Finally, bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until the meat is bubbling hot and the mashed potatoes are browned. 好了,我们快要完成了。最后,放进预热好的烤箱,以375 度烤个40 到45 分钟,或是看到里面的肉沸腾冒泡,并且马铃薯泥烤成金黄棕色为止。
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