

2015-01-30    00'38''

主播: 向专八看齐

19146 1340

We &`&ll have to move the sales conference, I &`&m afraid. [00:03.40] It&`&s scheduled for Wednesday the twenty fifth of November, but there&`&s a trade fair in Amsterdam the following day that senior staff are attending. [00:11.54] We could move it to Monday the thirtieth...? [00:17.01] Mmm... actually, better to bring it forward to Monday the twenty third ... A pity about the twenty fifth, though - it seemed a day for everyone. [00:24.49] Mobile phone sales have remained steady overall this year, though the export market shares have changed. [00:32.38] Now Europe and the United States together account for the same amount as South East Asia.
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