

2015-01-30    01'40''

主播: 向专八看齐

28339 1321

Hello's, Wilson Office Supplies. [00:03.08] Hello, this is Gillmann International. [00:06.18] I 'm afraid the desk you delivered last week is too large. [00:10.13] Could I change it for a smaller one? [00:12.12] Yes, certainly. [00:13.47] What is the name again? [00:15.08] Gillmann International, spelt G I-double L M-A double N. Right. [00:21.38] What's the date of that order? [00:25.38] The invoice is dated the fifth of July .... [00:29.38] I can give you the order number: DT one, nine, oh, double five., Yes, here it is. [00:37.42] Have you a copy of our catalogue there? [00:41.04] You ordered the hundred and thirty seven point five centimetre desk, did not you? [00:46.06] Yes, that desk is too wide. [00:48.27] It's the smaller one I need - one hundred and thirty one centimetres wide. [00:52.34] Yes, that's reference number ZY double eight three-two oh. [00:55.05] Yes, fine. [00:56.07] And could you collect the other one when you deliver the new desk? [01:04.07] Yes. [01:05.01] This desk is cheaper, it's a hundred and seventy nine pounds ninety nine.., so that 'll be ... a hundred and sixty two pounds with your normal ten per-cent discount. [01:18.07] Good. [01:18.57] Could you credit our account? [01:20.20] Yes, that 'll be twenty seven pounds. [01:23.25] We could deliver the new desk next Thursday, the fourteenth, or the following week on the nineteenth. [01:29.50] Urn, the later date is best. [01:32.45] You 've got our address. [01:33.43] Yes. [01:34.48] We 'll put the credit through after delivery. [01:37.10] Good. [01:38.19] Thanks for your help ...
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