

2015-01-30    01'00''

主播: 向专八看齐

28172 1552

Emma, Mark here. [00:01.47] I'm calling to tell you about the annual performance prizes for senior staff. [00:09.52] OK, let me know the details of the order. [00:17.27] You can order them all from one website. [00:21.21] Its www.axibiz.co.uk. [00:22.55] Is that A X-I B-U S? [00:25.12] It's A X-I B-I Z. [00:27.22] OK? [00:28.22] We need fifteen silver calculators ... How will I know which ones? [00:33.50] There are two designs. [00:35.19] We want the eighteen pound seventy five ones, rather than the twenty one pound seventy five ones. [00:41.32] Right. [00:42.27] What else? [00:44.02] Leather picture holders... but they come in different sizes. [00:47.53] The larger ones are twenty nine by thirty one centimetres. [00:52.26] Get the other ones. [00:53.57] They 痳e twenty six by thirty. [00:56.34] We 痩l need five of those at forty two pounds.
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