

2015-06-14    08'35''

主播: 海亮老师

219 15

不是现实支撑了梦想,是梦想支撑了现实 Only one in five Brits believe they are really living life to the full, according to a new study. 一项新研究显示,仅五分之一英国人认为自己确实充分享受了生活。 Researchers have discovered that, although half of us claim to have a zest for life, the reality is that the majority of us long for more excitement in our lives. 研究人员发现,虽然一半英国人声称自己对生活充满热情,但实际上,大多数人期待在生活中体验更多刺激。 After examining the lifestyles and aspirations of almost 2,000 British adults, the survey announced the 37 ultimate life-fulfilling experiences, which include flying on a private jet and partying on a super yacht. 在调查了近2000名英国成年人的生活方式和愿望后,该调查宣布了37项被认为最能够丰富生活的终极经历,其中包括乘坐私人飞机和参加豪华游艇派对。 Overall the research showed that as a nation we have daring aspirations, with 44 per cent of us claiming to be ‘adventurous’. 总的来说,该调查显示英国人有着十分大胆的愿望,44%的人称自己勇于冒险。 The biggest excuses for not grabbing our dreams is that we are not able to find the time, money or courage to take on exciting new challenges, and 24 per cent of those surveyed claimed adventure was out of reach. 而无法实现梦想最大的托辞是没有时间、没有钱或者没有勇气接受新鲜刺激的挑战。24%的被调查者说冒险是遥不可及的。 Seven in 10 said that if they had their time again they would be more ‘reckless’ when it came to seeking fun and adventure. 70%的人表示,如果人生有机会重来,他们会更勇敢地去享乐和冒险。 A plucky one in seven said they embarked on adventures as often as possible, but one in four admitted they never try anything exciting. 七分之一的人大胆表明自己已经尽可能地参加冒险活动,四分之一的人承认他们从未尝试过任何刺激的事情。 More than half of those who took part in the study said they were envious of people who seemingly live exciting lives. 被调查者中,超过一半的人说他们很羡慕那些生活似乎很刺激的人。 The data also revealed that most of us re-assess what we are doing with our lives at the age of 32. 数据也显示,大部分人会在32岁的时候重新审视和评价我们的生活。 Living life to the full includes learning to survive in the wild, skinny dipping, travelling to watch a World Cup Final and being an extra in a film, according to the survey. 调查中,人们认为充分享受生活包括学习野外生存技能、裸泳、长途跋涉去看一场世界杯决赛,以及在电影里客串一把。 Driving across the US on Route 66 was also up there, as was taking in the view from the Empire State Building in New York. 开车穿越美国66号公路、登上帝国大厦顶楼俯瞰世界也榜上有名。 Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, learning to ski or snowboard and learning a foreign language are all also things you have to experience. 此外,横穿旧金山金门大桥、学滑冰或滑雪以及学习一门外语等也都是你必须去体验的事情。 ULTIMATE GUIDE TO LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL - HOW MANY HAVE YOU DONE? 充分享受生活的终极指南——你曾经做过多少? 1. Get married in Vegas 去拉斯维加斯结婚 2. Dive with sharks 和鲨鱼一起潜水 3. Surf in Hawaii 在夏威夷冲浪 4. Travel on a private jet 乘坐私人飞机旅行 5. Date a model 和模特约会 6. Gamble in Monte Carlo 在蒙特卡洛赌博 7. Party on a super yacht 参加豪华游艇派对 8. Do a skydive 跳伞 9. Climb Mount Qomolangma 攀登珠穆朗玛峰 10. Have an illicit affair 拥有一段风流韵事 11. Do a bungee jump 蹦极 12. Join an expedition across the Antarctic 南极洲探险 13. Attend a red carpet event 走一次红地毯(出席一次隆重场合) 14. Go white water rafting 漂流 15. Walk along the Great Wall of China 攀登中国长城 16. Have a luxury holiday in the Maldives 享受马尔代夫奢华宾馆 17. Get a hole in one in golf 打高尔夫球时一杆进洞 18. Own your own company 创立公司 19. Fly a helicopter 乘坐直升飞机 20. Scuba dive off the Great Barrier Reef 在大堡礁蛙潜 21. Drive across America on Route 66 沿66号公路穿越美国 22. Be an extra in a film 客串一部电影 23. Get a tattoo 纹身 24. Learn a foreign language 学习一门外语 25. Go to the Super Bowl 去看“超级碗” 26. Learn to fly a plane 学习开飞机 27. Get tickets to the World Cup final 观看世界杯决赛 28. Ride in a speedboat 乘坐快艇 29. Travel into space 遨游太空 30. Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge 横穿金门大桥 31. Go on the top of the Empire State Building 爬上帝国大厦顶楼 32. Take on an extreme physical challenge 参加极限体能挑战 33. Learn to ski/snowboard 学滑冰/滑雪 34. Learn how to survive in the wild/learn bush craft 学习野外生存/丛林谋生技能 35. Skinny dipping in the ocean 在大海里裸泳 36. Fly a glider 驾驶滑翔机 37. Make an "intimate" home movie 拍摄一段“亲密”家庭录影 解析:爱因斯坦说过:“我没有特殊的天赋,只有激情地好奇心”在生活中,我们也有许多事情都没有做过,你是否对这些事有着好奇心呢?本文列举了37项享受生活的终极指南,你能完成多少呢?Enjoy life!GO! Vocabulary plucky 有勇气的 skinny dipping 裸泳