海亮说新闻:Fit Spiration

海亮说新闻:Fit Spiration

2015-06-18    07'07''

主播: 海亮老师

194 10

In an age of 'fit spiration', it might come as a surprise that new research claims that exercise is in fact what is stopping us shedding those dreaded love handles. 如今在这样一个人人追求健美的时代,一项新研究调查结果可能会令人们感到吃惊。该研究称运动实际上正是阻止我们甩掉可怕腰间赘肉的原因。 The survey conducted by the Weight loss and Health Institute asked over 1000 Australians to share whether their exercise and weight loss methods were proving effective. More than half of those who participated admitted that while they exercise, they can't seem to reach their weight loss goals. 健康瘦身研究所(Weight loss and Health Institute,以下简称WHI) 近日对1000名通过运动减重的澳洲人进行了调查访问,请他们分享自己的锻炼减肥方法是否真的行之有效。其中超过半数人承认,虽然他们进行了锻炼,但似乎总是不能达到自己所定的减肥目标。 The biggest factor the WHI found that was leading to stilted weight loss was the direct link between strenuous exercise (any exercise seen to over exert the body) and the need to 'reward' or 'treat' yourself after your workout. WHI发现,导致这种不理想的减重效果最大的直接因素就是人们在剧烈运动(指一些可能会使身体透支的运动项目)之后,需要对自己进行“奖励”或“犒劳”。 Results also found that those who solely exercised to lose weight would disregard their diet - with 53 per cent admitting they actually eat more after exercising and 41 per cent rewarding themselves with sugary treats after. 研究结果表明,那些仅仅通过锻炼减肥的人不会注意自己的饮食。有53%的受访者表示自己实际上会在运动后吃得更多,而41%的受访者称自己会用含有高糖分的食物作为运动后的奖励。 Leading Australian weight loss coach Geoff Jowett says this 'reward system' is one of the most common reasons why exercise is leading to weight gain. 澳洲知名的瘦身教练乔伊特称,这种“奖励机制”正是导致运动后体重反而增加的一大普遍原因。 'It's been found that statistically if women participate in strenuous exercise they are likely to reward themselves after with something sweet,' says Jowett. “经过调查统计后我们发现,很多女性如果进行了剧烈运动,她们很可能会在运动后选择吃一些甜食来犒赏自己,”乔伊特这样说。 'What happens is they will do a Cross Fit class then go and eat a piece of cake because they think they deserve it. Which means you can become fit and fat at the same time,' he said. 他说:“比如她们在做完一节交叉健身课程后就会去吃一块蛋糕,因为她们认为这是自己应得的奖励。这也就意味着人们在健身的同时也会变得肥胖。” A study conducted by Arizona State University also recently found similar results when they studied the effects of aerobic exercise on overweight women. 近日,亚利桑那州立大学也进行了关于有氧运动对超重女性有何效果的研究,该研究结果与之相似。 The researchers asked 81 women who had a sedentary lifestyle to participate in a 12 week aerobic exercise program involving three treadmill sessions a week. They were also asked not to alter their diet. 研究人员邀请了81名平日有着静态生活方式的女性参加了一个12周有氧运动计划,平均每周有三次在跑步机上的锻炼机会,同时研究人员也要求她们不要改变自己的饮食习惯。 The end result found that while they were fitter after twelve weeks, they also were fatter. There was no noticeable weight loss amongst the group and almost 70 per cent of the women had piled on some fat mass during the program. 研究最终结果表明,尽管12周后她们或许变得比以前健美了一些,但同时也比以前胖了。这组女性并没有显著的减重成果,其中近70%的女性在参与这一计划后堆积了更多的脂肪。 Jowett says the important thing to note is that fitness and weight loss are different ball games. He believes it's a 80/20 ratio with 80 per cent being about what we eat and 20 per cent exercise. 乔伊特称有重要的一点需要我们注意,那就是健身与减重是截然不同的两个概念。他认为80%与20%的比率才是恰当的,而其中80%是关于我们的饮食,20%关于运动。 So what counts as strenuous exercise? 'Anything that you assess on a "Relative Perceived Exertion" scale, with one being easiest and ten being harmful,' says Jowett. 那么到底什么算是剧烈运动呢?乔伊特说:“可以用相对自觉运动强度指数来衡量,1表示很轻松,10就表示对身体有损害了。” 'A brisk walk is good because you can still talk, but if you're doing exercise that feels above a seven like running, cycling, aerobics, Cross Fit, then it won't be good for weight loss,' he said. 他说:“快走就属于十分好的运动,因为在散步的同时你还可以说话。但如果你进行超过七分体力的运动,例如跑步,骑单车,有氧运动,交叉健身等,这些都可能不利于减重。” Jowett also notes that the exercise on 'The Biggest Loser' is not sustainable for people who are dramatically overweight because apart from the likelihood of injury and muscle strain, workouts like running are too strenuous on the body and lead to a spike in hunger which results in sugar cravings, high insulin levels