

2015-12-15    09'11''

主播: 海亮老师

10962 49

想要会 就要用 Time was considered to be useless when you were really young. For one reason, it took you only a while to complete your tasks, and the rest of it seemed to be out of control. If this went on and on for ages, you would probably have been disappointed by it, then you might recognize that you were so luxury in spending it. Then perhaps you would speed up when you were to do other things. It is reasonable that you have discovered the interesting side of it, because this way saves your lifespan, which may turn out to be a sweeping on what are learning. Although sometimes the learning process can be slightly fleeting, you are still kind of language dwellers who enjoy collecting profound vocabularies without any possible turbulence. Personality Ideally, anyone should display the individuality to others on their own, however, the fact does not seem fairly satisfied because both of them can not blend in properly. For this phenomena, you might adopt an ironical word to pass over to those who don’t. But finally, most of them appear to have more kind of obligatory performance, which might dissociate themselves from others and excluded from them. go on and on 持续 speed up 加速 lifespan The length of time for which a person or animal lives or a thing functions 寿命 sweeping: having a large amount of effect 巨大影响 fleeting:lasting only a short period 持续时间短 turbulence:disorder;not calm ideally 最好是 individuality 个性 on their own 他们自己 blend in: mix together 和谐 obligatory 中规中矩的 ironical 讥讽的;嘲讽的