HANS: Where do you come from?
DIMITRI: I come from Greece.
HANS: What's the climate like in your country?
DIMITRI: It's very pleasant.
HANS: What's the weather like in spring?
DIMITRI: It's often windy in March.
It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes.
HANS: What's it like in summer?
DIMITRI: It's always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.
HANS: Is it cold or warm in autumn?
DIMITRI: It's always warm in September and October.
It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes.
HANS: Is it very cold in winter?
DIMITRI: It's often cold in December, January and February.
It snows sometimes.
Lesson 51
1 Greece [gri:s] n.希腊
2 climate ['klaimit] n.气候
3 country ['kʌntri] n.国家
4 pleasant ['plezənt] a.宜人的
5 weather ['weðə] n.天气
6 spring [spriŋ] n.春季
7 windy ['windi] a.有风的
8 warm [wɔ:m] a.温暖的
9 rain [rein] v.下雨
10 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] ad.有时
11 summer ['sʌmə] n.夏天
12 autumn ['ɔ:təm] n.秋天
13 winter ['wintə] n.冬天
14 snow [snəu] v.下雪
15 January ['dʒænjuəri] n.1月
16 February ['februəri] n.2月
17 March [mɑ:tʃ] n.3月
18 April ['eiprəl] n.4月
19 May [mei] n.5月
20 June [dʒu:n] n.6月
21 July [dʒu'lai] n.7月
22 August ['ɔ:gəst] n.8月
23 September [sep'tembə] n.9月
24 October [ɔk'təubə] n.10月
25 November [nəu'vembə] n.11月
26 December [di'sembə] n.12月
Lesson 52
1 the U.S. 美国
2 Brazil [brə'zil] n.巴西
3 Holland ['hɔlənd] n.荷兰
4 England ['iŋglənd] n.英国
5 France ['fræns] n.法国
6 Germany ['dʒə:məni] n.德国
7 Italy ['itəli] n.意大利
8 Norway ['nɔ:wei] n.挪威
9 Russia ['rʌʃə] n.俄罗斯
10 Spain [spein] n.西班牙
11 Sweden ['swi:dn] n.瑞典