Lesson 21
1、吵闹的飞机把他逼疯了。The loud plane drove him mad.
2、最后,汽车真的把我逼疯了。At last, the car really drove me mad.
3、你的噪音要把我逼疯了。Your noise is driving me mad.
I live near a school, and he lives next to a park.
5、汤姆住在一家超市旁边。Tom lives beside a supermarket.
6、他被过往的车辆包围了。He is surrounded by the passing cars.
7、过往的飞机日以继夜地在制造噪音。Passing planes are making noises night and day.
8、那座商业大厦于去年建成了。The business building was completed last year.
9、它已经启用了一年了。It has come into use a year before.
For some reason she is absent from today's English class.
For some reason she could not take part in this test.
12、这个办公室是什么时候启用的?When did this office come into use?
13、他已经把来要饭的乞丐赶跑了。He has driven away the beggar who asked for a meal.
14、要饭的乞丐被他赶跑了。The beggar who asked for a meal was driven away by him.
15、他是仅剩下的那一个。He is the only one left.
16、那个路标被汽车撞倒了。The street sign was knocked down by a car.
17、你能把它撞倒吗?Could you knock it down ?
18、因为某些原因她得到了一大笔钱。For some reason she has got a large sum of money.
19、这一大笔钱不是我的。This large sum of money does not belong to me.(is not mine.)
20、他下定决心要赢得下次比赛。He is determined to win the next competition.
21、大家都说他一定是被逼疯了。Everybody says he must have been driven mad.
22、他日夜在想着这个问题。He thought about this matter day and night.
23、这把伞是他的,他一定来过这里。This umbrella is his, he must have ever been here.
24、你可以拿走这当中的一个手提包。You can take away one of these handbags.