HELEN: Isn't there anyone at home?
JIM: I'll knock again, Helen. Everything's very quiet.
I'm sure there's no one at home.
HELEN: But that's impossible.
Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.
Look through the window.
HELEN: Can you see anything?
JIM: Nothing at all.
HELEN: Let's try the back door.
JIM: Look! Everyone's in the garden.
CAROL: Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim.
TOM: Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. It's nice and warm out here.
CAROL: Come and have something to drink.
JIM: Thanks, Carol. May I have a glass of beer please?
CAROL: Beer? There's none left.
You can have some lemonade.
JIM: Lemonade!
TOM: Don't believe her, Jim. She's only joking. Have some beer!
Lesson 115
2 knock [nɔk] v.敲,打
3 everything ['evriθiŋ] pron.一切事物
4 quiet ['kwaiət] a.宁静的,安静的
5 impossible [im'pɔsəbəl] a.不可能的
6 invite [in'vait] v.邀请
7 anything ['eniθiŋ] pron.任何东西
8 nothing ['nʌθiŋ] pron.什么也没有
9 lemonade [ˌlemə'neid] n.柠檬水
10 joke [dʒəuk] v.开玩笑
Lesson 116
1 asleep [ə'sli:p] a.睡觉,睡着(用作表语)
2 glasses ['gla:siz] n.眼镜