Lesson 39
1 ,你的爸爸好了吗?Is your dad all right ?
2,我的同事马小姐住院了。My colleague ,Miss Ma, is in hospital.
3, 老板要求每个雇员加班。
The boss asked every employee to work late.( do extra work).
4,每个员工都拒绝加班。 Each employee refused to do extra work.
5,床头电话在哪里买?Where can the bedside phone be bought ?
One certain patient opened the door by himself.
7 ,当我一人独处时,我感到很舒服。When I am alone,I feel comfortable.
8 , 格林先生的手术很成功。The operation on Mr. Green is successful.
9 ,无人可以进入手术室。No one is allowed to go into the operation room.
10, 你还得再在办公室呆2个小时。You have to stay in the office for another 2 hours.
11,我想知道那批货物是否到达。I want to know if that batch of goods arrives.
12, 那个官员的一个亲属违反了交通规则。
One relative of that official's was against the traffic rule.
13, 刚才谁接了电话?
Who answered the phone just now ?
I knew his operation was successful.
Employees are not allowed to go home.
Well, I will have to stay in hospital for another week.
John is a relative of our boss.
18, 他问你是否感到疲劳。
He asked if you were tired.
Jane asked why I hadn't phoned her.
20 ,他电话给护士问了几个关于他自己的问题。
He telephoned the nurse and asked questions about himself.