

2018-03-12    20'42''

主播: 上海强者英语网校

479 27

143-144 1、仍然没有人修理这部车吗? Hasn't anyone repaired this car yet? 它已经被修过了。 It has already been repaired! 2、仍然没有人来批改这些练习本吗? Hasn't anyone corrected these exercise books? 它们已经被批改过了。 They have already been corrected. 3、仍然没有人抓住那贼吗? Hasn't anyone caught the thief yet? 他还没有被抓住。 He hasn't been caught yet. 他很快将会被抓住的。 He will be caught soon! 4、还没有人来招待他。 He hasn't been served yet. 很快会有人来招待他的。 He will be served soon. 5、作者住在哪里? Where does the writer live? 作者住在一个非常古老的被美丽的树林环绕着的小镇里。 The writer lives in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. 6、为什么游客们经常来自城市? Why do visitors often come from city? 因为它是个闻名的风景点。 Because it is a famous beauty spot.或者 (((Because it is a famous scenic spot.))) 7、游客们被告诉要保持森林整洁干净。 Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy. 8、杂物篮被放置在哪里? Where have litter baskets been placed? 杂物篮被放在树下。 Litter baskets have been placed under the trees. 9、上星期三作者去了哪里? Where did the writer go last wednesday? 作者去了树林里散步。 The writer went for a walk in the woods. 10、他看见了很多垃圾,是吗? He saw a lot of rubbish,didn't he? 是的,他看见很多垃圾。 Yes, he saw a lot of rubbish. 11、他在垃圾之间看到了什么? What did he see among the rubbish? 他看见一个标志在垃圾之间。 He saw a sign among the rubbish. 12、那标志说什么? What did the sign say? 那标志说:凡在此树木丢弃垃圾者,将依法处置。 The sign said,‘Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted. 13、还没有人打开窗户吗? Hasn't anyone opened the window yet? 有人打开了它。 Someone has opened it. 它已经被打开了。 It has already been opened. 它仍然没有被打开。 It hasn't been opened yet. 它明天将被打开。 It will be opened tomorrow. 14、还没有人来打扫这些房间吗? Hasn't anyone cleaned these rooms yet? 有人打扫过它们了。 Someone has cleaned them. 它们已经被打扫了。 They have already been cleaned. 它们还没有被打扫。 They haven't been cleaned yet. 它们明天将被打扫。 They will be cleaned tomorrow. 15、还没有人来倒空这个篮子吗? Hasn't anyone emptied this basket yet? 有人倒空了它。 Someone has emptied it. 它已经被倒空了。 It has already been emptied. 它还没有被倒空。 It hasn't been emptied yet. 它将很快被倒空。 It will be emptied soon. 16、还没有人来磨这把刀吗? Hasn't anyone sharpened this knife yet? 有人磨过它了。 Someone has sharpened it. 它已经被磨过了。 It has already been sharpened. 它还没有被磨过。 It hasn't been sharpened yet. 今晚将有人磨这把刀的。 This knife will be sharpened this evening. 17、还没有人打开水龙头吗? Hasn't anyone turned on the taps yet? 有人打开它们了。 Someone has turned them on. 它们已经被打开了。 They have already been turned on. 它们还没有被打开。 They haven't been turned on yet. 它们两小时后将被打开。 They will be turned on in two hours. 18、还没有人买走这些型号吗? Hasn't anyone bought these models yet? 有人买了它们了。 Someone has bought them. 他们已经被买了。 They have already been bought. 19、还没有人来扫地吗? Hasn't anyone swept the floor yet? 有人扫过它了。 Someone has swept it. 它已经被打扫过了。 It has already been swept. 20、还没有人送他们去学校吗? Hasn't anyone taken them to school yet? 有人带他们去了。 Someone has taken them to school. 他们已经被带去学校了。 They have already been taken to school. 21、还没有邀请他们吗? Hasn't anyone invited them yet? 有人邀请了他们。 Someone has invited them. 他们已经被邀请了。 They have already been invited. 22、还没有人告诉他们吗? Hasn't anyone told them yet? 有人告诉他们了。 Someone has told them. 他们已经被告知了。 They have already been told. 23、还没有人浇这些花吗? Hasn't anyone watered these flowers yet? 他们还没有被浇水。 They haven't been watered yet. 他们将在一天后被浇水。 They will be watered in a day. 24、还没有人来修这部车吗? Hasn't anyone repaired this car yet? 它还没有被修理。 It hasn't been repaired yet. 它将在下周被修理。 It will be repaired next week. 25、还没有人来批改这些练习本吗? Hasn't anyone corrected these exercise books yet? 它们还没有被批改。 They haven't been corrected yet. 它们将在两小时后被批改。 They will be corrected in two hours. 26、还没有人关上窗户吗? Hasn't anyone shut the window yet? 它还没有被关上。 It hasn't been shut yet. 它将在4小时后被关闭。 It will be shut in four hours.