Lesson 44 1、我在回家的路上看见一只狗在追一只猫。 On my way home,I saw a dog running after a cat. 2、我昨天看见李太太穿过广场追着她儿子。 I saw Mrs.Li ran through the square after her son yesterday. 3、我冒着危险拿回了我的手提包。I took a risk getting my handbag back. 4、我的手提包的带子断了。The strap of my bag was broken. 5、你有没考虑过在这个镇上安顿下来? Have you ever thought of settling down in this town? 6、那个男孩冲到他母亲的跟前。The boy rushed up to his mother. 7、公园位于镇的边上。The park lies at the edge of the town. 8、在广场的边上有一个舞蛇的人。 There is a snake charmer at the edge of the square. 9、这座房子曾属我所有,但现在它归一位老太太所有。 This house used to belong to me,but it now belongs to a grandma. 10.这座房子曾属我所有,但现在它归一位老太太所有。 This house used to be in my possession,but it now is in possession of a grandma. 11、当孩子长大了,他就不在父母的掌控范围了。 When the child is grown up,he is not in possession of his parents. 12、一切尽在你的掌控之中,除了天气。 Everything is in your possession,except the weather. 13、我跑喘不过气来,还是没赶上那辆车。 I ran out of breath,but didn't catch up the bus yet. 14、当我到达车站时已经上气不接下气了。 When I reached the station I was out of breath. 15、她翻遍了包,但就是找不到她的钥匙。 She rummaged her bag,but couldn't find her keys. 16、当我进来时,有个贼正在翻着抽屉。 When I entered,there was a thief going through something in the drawer. 17、翻别人的包是不礼貌的行为。 Rummaging other's bag is an unpolite turn. 18、墙上贴着一张纸条写着:别翻我的包。 A note on the wall says "Don't touch my bag." 19、穿过这片森林就到我家了。 Crossing this forest will reach my house. 20、每一本书都有目录。 Each book has its contents. 21、昨天晚上我家的孩子在院子里野餐。 Yesterday evening,our children had a picnic in the yard. 22、危险经常出现黑暗的地方。 Risk often appears in darkness. 23、手提包上的带子很容易坏。 The straps of the hanbags are easy to break. 24、我一回到家,我的小狗就向我冲过来。 When I come home,my puppy rushes up to me. 25、我看见两个男孩坐在操场边上翻着一个书包。 I see two boys sit at the edge and rummage a schoolbag. 26、在争抢中,硬币掉了一地。 In the struggle,the coins dropped on the floor everywhere. 27、在争抢后,一个男人气喘吁吁地跑了过来。 After the struggle,a man ran over here out of breath. 28、我和家人去森林里野餐。 My family and I go to have a picnic in the forest. 29、我跑得上气不接下气,终于赶上火车了。 I ran out of breath and at last I caught up the train.
上一期: 新概念二L43
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