The children stood with their mouths open, and no one said a word. Then Robert took one of the coins in his hand and looked at it.
' It's different from English money, ' he said. 'Well, it does not matter. It's gold, ' said Cyril.
"和英国钱不一样," 他说。"唔,那没关系。是金的。" 西里尔说,
'do not for get that it will all go when the sun goes down. Come on!
Let's put as much as we can in our pockets and go and spend it. ' So they all put gold coins in their pockets and went off to the village.
But the gold was heavy, and soon they were very tired and hot. They decided to get something to drink in the village and then go on to the town of Rochester.
Cyril went into the shop and the others waited outside. But when Cyril came back with a bottle of lemonade, he said,
'I had to pay with my real money. When they saw all the coins, they would not change the gold. '
'Well, I'll try to get something with the gold, ' Anthea said. 'We need a horse and cart. Come on. '
"那我去试着用这金子买点东西。" 安西娅说,"我们需要一辆马套二轮单马车。来吧。"
Anthea went to talk to a man who had a horse and cart, and the others waited. After a few minutes she came back, looking very pleased with herself.
'I was not stupid like Cyril, ' she said. 'I only took out one coin, not all of them, and the man said he 'll drive us to Rochester and wait for us. '
On the way to Rochester, they did not speak. They were making plans about how to spend their gold, and they did not want to talk in front of the driver.
But when they arrived in Rochester, with about twelve hun dred gold coins in their pockets, they found that it was very difficult to spend them.
Anthea tried to buy a very nice hat, but the woman in the shop looked very strangely, first at the gold coins, then at Anthea.