Don't worry if you find yourself with fewer friends

Don't worry if you find yourself with fewer friends

2016-05-21    05'20''

主播: 自在花开_

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You may have noticed that as time goes by you seem to be keeping in contact with fewer and fewer friends. 你可能已经发现,随着时间的流逝,你还保有联系的朋友越来越少。 Don’t worry, this is probably a good thing. As we get older, the friendships that last are normally those that are deeper and more sincere. 别担心,这可能是件好事。随着我们年龄的增长,那些更深刻、更真挚的友情才能长长久久。 You may have fewer friends, but those who have stayed in touch are more loyal and have truly stood the test of time. 你的朋友可能是变少了,但是那些留在你身边的人,其实更加忠实,而且经受住了时间的考验。 As you get older you may find that you experience the following: 在你变老的过程中,你将会经历以下情景: The more you have gone through 你会经历更多事情 With age, comes experience. As you pass through life you go through many trials. 年龄增长会相应地带来阅历的增加。在生活中,你会经受许多考验。 As you get older, you find that there are a few friends who have supported you during these difficult times. 在你逐渐老去的过程中,你会发现,在那些困难的时期里,只有一小部分朋友一直支持着你。 You learn to depend on those select few and have little time for people who were not there when you needed them. 你学会去依靠这些时间挑选出来的真朋友,而至于那些在你需要时并未出现的人们,你在他们身上付诸的时间将越来越少。 The less patience you have for insincerity 你对伪善的耐心将减少 When you were young, you probably tended to try and accumulate as many friends as possible. 在你年轻的时候,你可能试图去积累尽可能多的朋友。 Perhaps you had greater patience and tolerance for everyone you met; however, as you get older you have less patience for insincerity. 也许你对每一个见到的人都会很有耐心和容忍度;不过,随着年龄的增长,你对于伪善的耐心就会越来越少。 You have learned that it is better to have a few sincere friends than a lot of superficial relationships. 你认识到,比起拥有众多肤浅的友谊,拥有少数但真诚的朋友更为重要。 The deeper bonds you have formed 你们之间的情谊更加深厚了 Many friends you have made simply drifted away, but there are those few who have stuck with you through the good and the bad. 你和许多朋友就这么渐行渐远了,但是总会有那么几个好友陪你度过无常岁月。 By sharing so many experiences with these select few friends, you have created a deep bond with them. 与他们一起经历过这么多之后,你和他们之间的情谊已经十分深厚。 It’s the kind of bond that can only be created over time. 只有经历过时间的磨练,才能锻造出这般情谊。 The less time you have 你拥有的时间更少了 As you get older you become busier. You may find that the demands of work increase and for those of you who start families you may find your time becomes very tight. 随着年龄的增长,你会越来越忙。你会发现,工作量越来越多,尤其是有了家庭的话,你会感觉自己的时间非常不够用。 As your time becomes more precious, you find yourself valuing it more and thus less likely to spend it with friends whose company you do not truly enjoy. 时间变得越来越宝贵,你也更加珍惜它,因此,你会更加不乐意把时间花在那些你并不真正喜欢与他们来往的朋友身上。 You save your time for those friends who really matter to you. 你会把这些时间节省下来,与真正重要的朋友们一起度过。 The less energy you have for meeting new people 愈发没有认识新朋友的精力 As a young person, you may have had the energy to go to parties and mingle at bars to meet new people and make new friends. 年轻的时候,你可能有着充沛的精力去参加各种聚会派对,流转于各色酒吧中去认识新朋友。 As an older person, you now have less time and patience for these pursuits. 而随着年龄渐长,你去追求这些经历的时间和耐心就变少了。 You would rather go to an old friend’s house and drink a glass of wine than start making the effort to go out and meet new friends. 你宁愿去一个老朋友家中喝杯红酒,也不再愿意卯足劲外出去结交新朋友。 The more protective you are of your secrets 你对自己秘密的保护欲愈发强烈 As you get older, you may become more protective of your secrets. 随着岁数的增长,你对自己的秘密会越发慎重。 You are only willing to open up to a select few. You no longer want everyone to know your personal business and only trust these couple of good friends who you know you can rely on. 你只愿意与个别好朋友敞开心扉,也不再希望每个人都知道你的私事,你只相信那几个靠得住的好朋友。 So don’t despair if you find yourself with fewer friends. Those who have stood by you through thick and thin have proven to be the right match for you. 所以,当你发现自己的朋友变少了,不要感到伤感。那些无论何时何境都与你同在的朋友才是真正适合你的好拍档。
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