

2019-03-03    02'40''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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关注【九点有声悦读】获得更多的文字和音频 我刚刚经历了人生中非常艰难的一段时期。 这段时间里各种看似不可能的事情接连发生,它们让我不禁意识到:世上没有什么事情是单纯而片面的。 人们一直都在为熟悉的东西赋予新的、不断演化的含义。 通过这样做,我们将自己从那些司空见惯的东西中释放出来,并投身到那些未曾被预见的事物中。 正是在这陌生的领域里,我们才能找到新的可能性。 正是在未知之中,我们才能找到希望。 有些人,一生中某段时间曾经刻苦地学习着,但后来他们却认为,自己已经知道了需要知道的一切。 于是他们的思维里产生了一种免疫系统。 任何被这个系统认定为不安因素的事物,都会被他们拒之千里之外。 有时候,当他们看到这些事物的时候,他们甚至会展开攻击。 他们已经停止进化了。 有时,我甚至发现自己也在做这样的事情。 所以,现在我写下这一切,是为了让自己记住:寻求知识的道路是无穷无尽的。 让我们来提醒彼此吧,我的朋友。 不要停止学习。 不要停止进化。 永远谦卑,永远保持对真知的饥渴。   I just went through a very tough time of my life.   And the improbable unfolding of recent events has led me to consider that no one thing is one thing only.   People keep defining what's familiar with new, ever-evolving meanings.   By doing so, we release ourselves from the expected, the familiar, into something unforeseen.    And it is in this unfamiliar realm that we find new possibilities.   It is in the unknown that we find hope.   Some people kept learning hard for a time in their life, but then they decided that they've known what they need to know.   They developed a mental immune system.   They refuse to accept anything which this system finds unsettling.   Sometimes they even attack when they see such things. They have stopped evolving.   And sometimes I even found myself doing similar things. So I'm actually writing all this to make myself remember that the search for knowledge is an endless path. Let's be each other's reminder, my friend.   Keep learning.   Keep evolving. Keep being humble and hungry.