

2019-05-04    02'46''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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关注【九点有声悦读】获得更多的音频和文字 Many people come to us in our lives. 会有许多人走进我们的人生 But most of them are just trivial passengers. 但他们中的大部分都是无关紧要的过客 They show up here and there, now and then. 他们时不时地在这或是在那出现, But they never really know us. 但他们从没真正了解我们。 They never succeeded in opening the gate of our hearts. 他们从未成功地打开我们的心扉 One&`&s time is limited. 一个人的时间是有限的。 And we should spend it in the things and people that are really worth our devotion. 我们应该把这些时间花在那些真正值得我们投入的人和事上 So don&`&t waste your precious time in maintaining those unnecessary relationships. 所以不要把你的宝贵时间用来维持那些不必要的关系 Find your own world. 去寻找你自己的世界 Find your own happiness. 去寻找你自己的幸福 Solitude will make your heart and mind stronger. 独处会让你的心和意志都更强大 And it will make you see the world more clearly. 它会让你把世界看得更清楚 It will make you see yourself more clearly. 它会让你把自己看得更清楚 When you have this clearer view of yourself, 而当你对自己有了这般更清晰的认识之后 you&`&ll know better what suits you and what you really want. 你也就更明白什么适合自己、什么才是自己真正想要的了 Then, you have become a true warrior in this battlefield called life. 此时,你已经成为了人生这个战场上一名真正的战士 You no longer need most of these faceless people. 你已经不再需要那些面目模糊的人 You can be fine all by yourself. 你独自一人就能过得很好 And if there are still a few people around you, 而如果现在还有一些人留在你身边 they are the ones that you truly need. 那他们就是你真正需要的人 Cherish them, they deserve you. 珍惜他们吧,他们值得你去付出。 文字来源:晚听英语