

2019-05-19    06'11''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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关注【九点有声悦读】获得更多的文字和音频 你比自己想象得更强大 别让自己只做个普通人 We all like to think we are special. Better than others. Doing better work. Excelling beyond our peers. Yet, by definition, most people are average. 我们都希望自己是特别的,比别人优秀,做更好的工作,超越我们的同龄人。然而根据定义,大多数人都是普通的。 Are you choosing to be average? 你会选择成为普通人吗? Average is What Everyone Else Does 普通人就是跟其他人做一样的事情 I was chatting with a business colleague recently. He was frustrated that he had not advanced faster in his career. There was a sense of entitlement and much complaining. (I wanted to tell him that no one was going to give him his dreams.) Instead, I asked him a simple question about his job, “What are you doing that is above average?” 最近,我和一位业务伙伴聊天,他很沮丧,因为他的职位并没有很快提升。他认为自己应该得到,但没有,所以抱怨不断。(我想要告诉他没有人可以帮他实现他的梦想。)但是,我只是问他了关于工作方面一个很简单的问题,“你现在做的什么事情是普通人做不到的呢?” In other words, what do you do that is better than everyone else? 换句话说,你做的事情是不是比别人做得更好? There was more complaining and a statement about putting in more time than his peers. The conversation eventually ended, but I ran into the same individual a few days later. He came up to me and said, “I thought about that question. And you know what? I don’t do anything that everyone else doesn’t do. In fact, there are several people who could do my job.” 他反而抱怨更多了,说自己比同龄人投入了更多的时间。谈话最后结束了,但我几天后又遇上了他。他走到我面前说,“我想了下你的问题。你知道吗?其他人不会做的事情我也不会做。事实上,有很多人可以做我的工作。” He finished with, “I am average at work.” 他最后说,“在工作上,我只是个普通人。” Average is as Average Does 普通就是按照普通人的方式做 Average is what everyone else does. If you want to succeed, you must go beyond average. “普通人只会做其他人都会做的事情。如果你想要成功,你就必须超过普通人。” Average is following the crowd. 普通人做事情循规蹈矩。 Average is following the standard career path. 普通人只会走标准的职业道路。 Average doesn’t get up early (or stay up late) to work on their dreams. 普通人不会早起(或是熬夜)去实现他们的梦想。 Average doesn’t exercise or get in shape. 普通人不会运动或是健身。 Average is doing what everyone else does. 普通人只会做其他所有人都会做的事情。 Choose Not to Be Average 选择不成为普通人 The story above has another chapter. This particular individual told me that he had decided that he wasn’t going to settle for average anymore. He was going to choose not to be average in his daily performance anymore. Instead of going through the motions and doing what everyone else did, he was going to make a concerted effort to go above and beyond average. 上面的故事后来还有另一段。这个人告诉我,他决定将不再满足于做普通人。他打算在每天的工作中,将不再普普通通。他将尽一切努力去超越普通,而不是走走过场,做其他人都能做的事情。 So, how do you choose not to be average? Here are 5 Ways to Choose Not to Be Average: 那么,你如何才能不是普通人呢?下面是五种方法教你如何不成为一个普通的人: 1.Have Goals – Average doesn’t have goals. Average doesn’t write them down. And average doesn’t make progress every single day without excuses. Make sure you have clearly defined goals and that you do something daily to move them forward. 设立目标——普通人是没有目标的,普通人也不会将它们写下来,普通人不会有理由而每天都进步。确保你有明确具体的目标,而且你每天做的事情都能让你更接近目标。 2.Go Above and Beyond – Average does just enough to get by and nothing more. Average does what is expected and stops there. Go beyond people’s expectations and surprise them with results. (It is important to note that this is not always about the hours put in, but rather the quality of effort put in.) 超越自己——普通人做事情尚可,就满足了,不会做得更多。普通人只做到他们期望的程度,就会停下来。超越人们的期望,给他们一个惊喜。(值得注意的是,这不是指你花的很多时间,而应该是你投入努力的质量) 3.Push Yourself – Average likes easy. Average doesn’t push limits. You are stronger than you think. Always be testing your limits to reach new ones. 挑战自己——普通人喜欢简单,普通人不会挑战他们的极限。你比你想象的要强大。要经常挑战你的极限去到达新的高度。 4.Make Your Own Path – Average likes comfortable. Average likes the well-known path that is easy to follow. Average is where everyone else goes. Make your own path if you don’t want to end up with everyone else. 选择你自己的路——普通人喜欢安逸,普通人喜欢走容易遵循的已知道路。普通人走的路跟其他人一样。如果你不想落得跟其他人一样的结局,请选择走自己的道路。 5.Try New Things – Average doesn’t like change. Average likes the status quo. Always be willing to try something new. You have to try new things in order to learn and grow. 尝试新事物——普通人不喜欢改变,普通人满足于现状。你要经常渴望尝试新事物,为了学习和成长,你必须要尝试新事物。 Life is too short to be average. Ask yourself if you are settling for the same as everyone else. Choose to be more. Choose to be something better. Choose to be above average. 生命太过短暂,不要只做普通人。问问自己是否愿意接受和别人一样的生活。选择做得更多,选择成为更好的人,选择超过普通人。 【生词】 excel 英 [ɪkˈsel] 美 [ɪkˈsɛl] • vt. 优于,擅长; • vi. 胜过; concerted 英 [kənˈsɜ:tɪd] 美 [kənˈsɜrtɪd] • adj. 协调的; 协定的; 协商好的; [乐]合拍调的 quo 英 [k&`&wəʊ] 美 [k&`&woʊ] • 释义 维持现状;