

2019-05-28    01'46''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

212 3

你努力变好,并不是为了配得上谁 Your life is your own. 你的人生是你自己的。 You put all those efforts to make yourself a better person, 你所有的努力,都是为了使自己变得更好, not to make yourself qualified for someone else. 而不是为了配得上谁。 Life is so hard. 生活如此艰难。 Don&`&t make your struggle a commodity for others to pick. 不要让自己的努力变成人人挑拣的商品。 It&`&s yours. 这是你的生活。 It&`&s all yours. 所有的都是你一个人的。 It is your life itself. 它是你自己的生活。 It is you. 它就是你。 Laugh. Cry. 笑也好,哭也罢, Every step you take forward is a song sung for you. 每一次进步都是一曲为你自己吹奏的凯歌。 Pain. Toil . 苦也好,累也好, Every failure you dealt with all by yourself. 每一次失败都是你自己在承担。 All the fights you fought for a better life are the scars that you wear on your own heart. 为生活所有的奋斗,都是你自己心上的伤痕。 All the progress you made towards your dream are not given by someone else. 为理想所有的进步,都不是谁给你的恩惠。 It&`&s not easy to walk on this road called life. No step is. 在人生这条大道上,每一步都不易, So love yourself when you walk. 且行,且珍爱。