

2019-07-28    02'05''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

145 2

不要小看一个身材好的人 谁不喜欢身材好的人呢? 只是好多人不太愿意说出来罢了。 毕竟,那不就是以貌取人吗? 不,其实不是。 不要小看一个身材好的人,永远不要。 任何一个减过肥的人都知道, 减肥不是一件容易的事, 保持身材更加不容易。 一个人的身材好,至少说明他懂得保持身材的原理, 并且有清晰的逻辑思维能力去践行这些原理。 一个人的身材好,还说明他有很强的自控能力。 不管这是天生优势还是后天练成的技能,那都是不得了的能力。 一个人的身材好,还说明他有很强的毅力。 说明他能够平衡长期目标与短期目标。 所以说,如果一个人的身材好,那他绝不仅仅是身材好。 不要小看这种人,他们很有可能是能干大事的人。 【中英对照】 Who doesn&`&t like someone who is in good shape? 谁不喜欢身材好的人呢? It&`&s just that many people are not willing to admit it. 只是好多人不太愿意说出来罢了。 For that&`&s judging someone based on their appearance, right? 毕竟,那不就是以貌取人吗? In fact, no. 不,其实不是。 Never underestimate someone who is in good shape. Never. 不要小看一个身材好的人,永远不要。 Anyone who ever tried to lose weight knows that it&`&s not easy to lose weight. 任何一个减过肥的人都知道,减肥不是一件容易的事, And it&`&s even harder to keep the result. 保持身材更加不容易。 If someone is in good shape, at least it shows that he knows the principle of keeping fit 一个人的身材好,至少说明他懂得保持身材的原理, and he has a logical mind to carry out those plans based on these principles. 并且有清晰的逻辑思维能力去践行这些原理。 If someone is in good shape, it shows that he is good at managing himself. 一个人的身材好,还说明他有很强的自控能力。 Whether it is natural or acquired, it is a great skill. 不管这是天生优势还是后天练成的技能,那都是不得了的能力。 If someone is in good shape, it shows that he possesses persistency. 一个人身材好,还说明他有很强的毅力。 It shows that he can balance long-term objectives and short-term objectives. 说明他能够平衡长期目标与短期目标。 So, if someone is in good shape, he is way more than just in good shape. 所以说,如果一个人身材好,那他绝不仅仅是身材好。 Never underestimate this kind of people, they may be meant to do great things. 不要小看这种人,他们很有可能是能干大事的人。