

2020-10-17    01'37''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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Don’t Ask Me Why Alexander Pushkin 不要问我为什么 亚历山大·普希金(俄国) Don’t ask me why, alone in dismal thought, In times of mirth, I’m often filled with strife, And why my weary stare is so distraught, And why I don’t enjoy the dream of life; 不要问我为什么满怀惆怅, 常常在欢乐中郁郁寡欢。 我为何要对一切都愁苦观望, 生活的美梦也进不了我心房; Don’t ask me why my happiness has perished, Why I don’t love the love that pleased me then, No longer can I call someone my cherished— 不要问我为什么冷却了心, 不要再痴迷于那欢乐的爱情, 不再把谁唤作“亲爱的人”—— Who once felt love will never love again; Who once felt bliss, no more will feel its essence, 爱过一次,就不会再钟情; 品尝过幸福就不会再感到幸福。 A moment’s happiness is all that we receive: From youth, prosperity and joyful pleasantry, All that is left is apathy and grief... 我们得到的幸福转瞬即逝。 没有了青春、温情与欢乐, 只留下一片忧郁…… 译者:杨玉波、王希悦