

2020-10-20    01'51''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

252 3

To Say Before Going To Sleep by Rainer Maria Rilke 说给入睡者 作者:赖内·马利亚·里尔克 I would like to sing someone to sleep, have someone to sit by and be with. 我愿坐在谁身边, 唱一支歌来催眠。 I would like to cradle you and softly sing, be your companion while you sleep or wake. 我愿轻轻哼唱着摇你入睡, 守护你沉入又走出梦寐。 I would like to be the only person in the house who knew: the night outside was cold. 我愿是房屋里唯一的人, 懂得什么叫夜凉如水。 And would like to listen to you and outside to the world and to the woods. 我愿向里里外外四下里倾听, 向你,向世界,向森林。 The clocks are striking, calling to each other, and one can see right to the edge of time. 时钟敲响着召唤每一个人, 人们直看进时间的底蕴。 Outside the house a strange man is afoot and a strange dog barks, wakened from his sleep. Beyond that there is silence. 下边走过一位陌生人, 惊起奇怪的犬吠数声。 随后是一片寂静。 My eyes rest upon your face wide-open; and they hold you gently, letting you go when something in the dark begins to move. 我睁大双眼对你凝睇: 他们轻轻扶着你让你离去, 正当有什么骚动在黑暗里。 陈敬容 译 【作者】 赖内·马利亚·里尔克,奥地利诗人。里尔克在诗歌创作上作品甚丰,早期代表作为《生活与诗歌》《梦幻》《耶稣降临节》等;成熟期的代表作有《祈祷书》《新诗集》《新诗续集》及《杜伊诺哀歌》等。此外,里尔克还有日记体长篇小说《马尔特手记》。