My chinese dream is rather simple, I think it's that my family is safe, sound and healthy. that's all I want, out there, many foreign countries are currently engaged in war, I think china is in good shape, peaceful,that's good enough.
My biggest dream right now is that my child is accepted to the best university, the best American university.That would be great, There's not much else.
My chinese dream is that housing prices can be a bit more affordable, Especially the migrant workers from outside Beijing can realize this dream to buy a property in the city.
My biggest dream of course is to earn decent money, my family to have a good life, my household to be prosperous, my son to be accepted into a good school,that's it.
My biggest dream is to have enough money to go home to spend time with my parents, and have enough to support myself, I hope to be united with my family more, when you're always moving and working around the country, you are rarely able to go home, I have been away from home for a long time now, I really missed my home and family.
My biggest dream? That is to buy a house.What other bigger dreams could we have? Also to have a good life.