迈克学摇滚_Take Me To Your Heart_霍尔特

迈克学摇滚_Take Me To Your Heart_霍尔特

2014-05-02    03'53''

主播: 碳酸啤酒

257 9

Hiding from the rain and snow 避开雨雪悉心呵护 Trying to forget but I won&`&t let go 几欲放弃反愈发不可收 Looking at a crowded street 看满街人头簇拥 Listening to my own heart beat 听心跳知谁把我触动 So many people All the around the world 世界之大, 人海茫茫 Tell me where do I find Someone like you girl 寻你这般女孩 , 踏破铁鞋亦枉然 Take me to your heart 把我带进你的心 Take me to your soul 让我深入你的灵魂 Give me your hand before I&`&m old 给我你的手趁我还年轻 Show me what love is 问爱是何物 Haven&`&t got a clue 何以我茫然 Show me that wonders can be true 让我见证奇迹能成真 They say nothing lasts forever 常言说不求天长地久 We&`&re only here today 但愿今生能相守 Love is now or never 爱是不失时机 Bring me far away 领我奔远方 Take me to your heart 把我带进你的心 Take me to your soul 让我深入你的灵魂 Give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手把我拥紧 Show me what love is 问爱是何物 Be my guiding star 做我的引路星 It&`&s easy take me to your heart 把我带进你心就容易 Standing on a mountain high 高山之巅眺明月 Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 蓝天无垠人惆怅 I should go and see some friends 我当去会朋友诉衷肠 But they don&`&t really comprehend 怎奈无人善解我心愿 Don&`&t need too much talking without saying anything 无需滔滔不绝表情爱 All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing 只盼有人使我欲放歌 Take me to your heart 把我带进你的心 Take me to your soul 让我深入你的灵魂 Give me your hand before I&`&m old 给我你的手趁我还年轻 Show me what love is 问爱是何物 Haven&`&t got a clue 何以让我茫然 Show me that wonders can be true 让我见证奇迹能成真 They say nothing lasts forever 常言说不求天长地久 We&`&re only here today 但愿今生能相守 Love is now or never 爱是不失时机 Bring me far away 领我奔远方 Take me to your heart 把我带进你的心 Take me to your soul 让我深入你的灵魂 Give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手把我拥紧 Show me what love is 问爱为何物 Be my guiding star 做我的引路星 It&`&s easy take me to your heart