Sometimes our mind wanders.
And when we snap back to reality, we have no idea what we missed or how long we were gone.
Daydreaming isn't the only thing that causes this inattention blindness.
When we talk on the phone while driving, there are periods when we go blind to our environment without realizing them.
So billboards, cars, kids playing, even stop signs and red lights can pass us by unnoticed.
Certain things may seem harmless. But some activities just aren't safe to combine.
Our brain is not wired to pay attention to more than one complex task at a time.
What we're actually doing when we think we're multitasking is quickly shifting our focus from one activity to another.
So while our mind is engaged in applying makeup, arguing with backseat driver, fumbling for a water bottle, or a conversation, it's blind to the road.
In fact, drivers are four times more likely to crash while talking on the phone and 23 times more likely while texting.
Driving can feel uneventful, but it really takes our full attention to keep the car on the road.
We're surrounded by distractions that can hijack our focus.
Whether we let them is up to us