Every time I passed in front of a tailor's, I wanted to enter and buy some new clothes. But, I had no money to pay for them. The £1,000,000 banknote in my pocket was useless!
I passed in front of the same tailor's six times. At last I entered. I quietly asked if they had an old, unattractive suit that no one wanted to buy. The man I spoke to nodded his head, but he didn't speak. Then another man looked at me and nodded his head.
I went to him and he said, "One moment, please."
After some time, he took me to a back room. He looked at several ugly suits that no one wanted. He chose the worst for me. I really wanted a suit, so I said nothing.
It was time to pay. "Can you wait a few days for the money? I haven't got any small change with me."
The man said, "Oh, you haven't? Well, I thought gentlemen like you carried large change."
"My friend," I replied, "you can't judge a stranger by the clothes he wears. I can pay for this suit. But, can you change a large banknote?"
"Oh, of course we can change a large banknote," he said coldly.