问好—How are you也太out了吧!

问好—How are you也太out了吧!

2015-08-09    03'52''

主播: Pauline八娜娜🦄

377 26

1. How are you? The best known phrase but English people don't use it every time so it's useful to learn some of the others on this page. “I’m fine thank you, and you?” 2. How are things? A general inquiry about the other person's health and life. Your answer could be about your health, your work or your personal life. “All good, thanks” 3. How's things? Similar to “How are things?” phrase but the 'incorrect' grammar makes it much more informal. “Great, thanks for asking.” 4. How's it going? / How are you getting on? Both are asking about the other person's life (work or personal life). “I’m good, and you?” 5. How have you been? This phrase is really asking about health but the other person may answer with general information about their life. “I’m fine thanks.” 6. What have you been up to? (my favorite) Really asking about what kind of activities the other person has been doing recently. It more often refers to their home life, not work. “Not much, and you?” 7. Everything's okay? Asking about health and life with a yes / no question. “Yeah, fine.” 8. Alright? It’s much more informal and said between friends that see each other many times a day. “Alright.” 9. How have you been keeping? It’s more formal but still sincere and friendly and is asking about the other person's health. “Yeah, I’m good.”