肯德基的粉色汉堡你吃了么?!I love Pink!

肯德基的粉色汉堡你吃了么?!I love Pink!

2015-08-16    07'54''

主播: Pauline八娜娜🦄

283 13

After the McDonald's black burger and Burger King's scarlet creation, KFC China has now sandwiched its chicken leg patty with cheese between two pink buns. 继麦当劳和汉堡王分别推出黑色汉堡和亮红色汉堡之后,肯德基中国餐厅也推出新汉堡,把鸡腿肉和芝士夹在两片粉色面包中间。 The fast food giant introduced the unusual new burger to its summer menu, along with another fried option wedged between black buns. 这家快餐业巨头把这款汉堡加入到今年的夏季菜单,一同加入的还有另一款汉堡,是黑色面包片夹炸鸡腿肉。 According to The Nangfang the limited edition treats consist of the Black diamond bacon spicy chicken leg burger and the Rose cheese roasted chicken leg burger. 根据The Nangfang网站的介绍,这次的限量版汉堡是黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡和玫瑰芝士烤鸡腿堡。 But fast food fans have taken to Instagram to share their own experience of the bizarre meals, which appear quite different in reality to the pictures in the ads. 但是快餐迷们把他们自己吃到的这款奇异汉堡的样子分享到Instagram上,和广告图片上的样子大不相同。 One diner, Chris Tweten, tweeted: 'Chinese #KFC is #MindBlowing and not in a good way. #Rose flavoured chicken burger?' 用餐者Chris Tweten在推特上说:“中国的#肯德基#很新奇但这并不是个好办法。#玫瑰和鸡肉汉堡搭在一起能吃吗?” From fast food fans' pictures the rose burger's bun is more anaemic in real life and lacks the moulded appearance. 从快餐迷们拍的照片上可以看出,玫瑰汉堡的面包在现实中非常干瘪,一点也不饱满。 Meanwhile, the filing also looks deflated, the buns shade of pink has a brownish hue and the lettuce is hard to spot. 与此同时,它的外形看上去就像泄气了一样,粉色面包看着像褐色而且生菜也少得根本看不见。 The Black diamond burger looks far more similar to the sandwich advertised, with shiny ink-coloured buns. 黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡看起来像广告上的三明治,面包上闪着油墨一样的光泽。 However, many KFC diners seemed undisturbed by the difference between the advertised pink burger and the reality, enthusiastically tagging images on social media with #pinkburger, #yummy and #unique. 然而,很多肯德基用餐者似乎很从容地对待粉色汉堡在广告和现实之间的巨大落差,很兴奋地给发到社交媒体上的照片打上#粉色汉堡#好吃#独特的标签。 One theory behind the two new bun shades is that they're based on the protagonists in Puella Magi Madoka Magica, a Japanese anime that is popular in China. 在这两款新汉堡的背后有这么一种说法,它们的原型来自一部在中国很受欢迎的日本动画《魔法少女小圆》。 The two main characters, Madoka Kaname and her friend Homura Akemi, wear signature black and pink outfits. 其中两个主要角色,鹿目圆和晓美焰,她们就分别穿粉色和黑色的服饰。(英大PS:这真的不是Nicki Minaj的Pink Friday与Lady Gaga的Born this way吗?) anime 以及其他的几个单词我发音错了…sorry!everybody have fun 就好了!