

2020-01-09    03'02''

主播: 海盐脆片

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每日一词|知识产权高质量发展 high-quality intellectual property development 2020年1月6日,全国知识产权局局长会议在北京举行。会议指出2019年,知识产权高质量发展取得新成效,知识产权塑造良好营商环境和创新环境取得新进展。 China has made a series of achievements over the past year to create a friendly environment for business, innovation and high-quality intellectual property development, according to a meeting of the heads of intellectual property rights (IPR) administrations on Monday in Beijing. 【重要讲话】 加强知识产权保护。这是完善产权保护制度最重要的内容,也是提高中国经济竞争力最大的激励。对此,外资企业有要求,中国企业更有要求。 We will strengthen protection of intellectual property rights (IPR). This is the centerpiece of the system for improving property rights protection, and it would provide the biggest boost to the competitiveness of the Chinese economy.Stronger IPR protection is the requirement of foreign enterprises, and even more so of Chinese enterprises 倡导创新文化,强化知识产权创造、保护、运用。 We will foster a culture of innovation, and strengthen the creation, protection, and application of intellectual property. 【相关词汇】 科技成果转化 commercialization of scientific and research findings 知识产权管理服务体系 management and service system of intellectual property rights