每日一词|老有所养 care for the elderly

每日一词|老有所养 care for the elderly

2020-01-17    03'09''

主播: 海盐脆片

130 1

每日一词|老有所养 care for the elderly 来源:中国日报网 过去几年来,我国出台了一系列措施提升养老服务,老年人的生活明显改善。2017年,6部门在全国开展为期4年的专项行动,旨在实现养老院服务质量总体水平显著提升。 China has over the past few years formulated a series of measures to boost elderly care and witnessed a marked improvement of the lives of the senior citizens. In 2017, a four-year campaign was launched nationwide by six ministries to boost nursing homes' service quality. 【重要讲话】 我们要以更大的力度、更实的措施保障和改善民生,加强和创新社会治理,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,促进社会公平正义,在幼有所育、学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居、弱有所扶上不断取得新进展,让实现全体人民共同富裕在广大人民现实生活中更加充分地展示出来。 We will devote more energy and take more concrete measures in ensuring and improving people's living standards, strengthening and developing new approaches to social governance, resolutely winning the battle against poverty, promoting social fairness and justice, making steady progress in ensuring people's access to childcare, education, employment, medical services, elderly care, housing, and social assistance, so as to better demonstrate the realization of common prosperity for everyone in people's real life. 【相关词汇】 人口老龄化 aging population 高龄津贴 old age allowance 社区养老服务 community-based elderly care